Betula pumila

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Read about Betula pumila in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Betula pumila, Linn. Usually 2-8, rarely 15, ft.: branchlets tomentose or pubescent, at least when young: Lvs. orbicular or oval, acute or obtuse, coarselv dentate, pale and glabrous or pubescent beneath, ½-2 in. long: strobiles peduncled, ½-1 in. long; lateral lobes of the pubescent scales spreading, shorter than the middle one; wings of nutlet half as broad as its body or narrower. New foundland to Minn., south to Ohio.B.B. 1:511. W.B. 71. Var. fastigiata, Rehd. (B. humilis fastigiata, Hort.). Shrub, with upright branches, forming a narrow pyramid: branchlets soft pubescent: Lvs.broadly rhombic to suborbicular, 1-1½ in. long, broadly cuneate at base, pubescent beneath only on the veins, resin-dotted on both sides.

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