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Bifrenaria >

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Read about Bifrenaria in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Bifrenaria (Latin for twice and strap, referring to the two stalks of the pollinia). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic plants, with pseudobulbs, plicate- veined Lvs., and lateral infl.: fls. sometimes single and large, or more frequently smaller and several to many in a raceme; sepals about equal, spreading, the lateral adnate to the foot of the column; petals similar to the dorsal sepal; lip articulated to the apex of the column-foot, 3- lobed; pollinia 4, on 2 stalks. — About 25 species Trop. Amer.

B. bicornaria, Reichb. Allied to B. aurantiaca. fls. orange colored. Brazil.—B. Fuerastenbergiana, Schlecht. Fla. yellow Brazil.—B. melanopoda, Klotzech. Sepals and petals light green, lip fringed, white. Brazil.—B. tetragona, Hort. Fls. wax-like with greenish sepals and petals. Brazil.—B. tyrianthina var. Goodsonae, Reichb. Fls,. light purple.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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