ExpandRead about Caladium lindenii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Xanthosoma lindenii, Engl. (Phyllotaenium Lindenii, Andre). Fig. 4015. Tender variegated foliage plant with large arrow-shaped lvs. marked with white along the midrib and parallel veins which run therefrom to the margin. I.H. 19:88. A.G. 19:573 (1898). G.W. 5, p. 308.—Tuberous plant from Colombia. G. W. Oliver, in his "Plant Culture," remarks that this stove ornamental plant should be more used for decorative purposes than it is at present, for it will stand more rough usage than one would suppose. After a goodly number of leaves have been developed in a warm, moist atmosphere, the plants will maintain a good appearance in a greenhouse temperature and may even be used as house plants. The lvs. are firmer in texture than caladiums. Prop. by division. Before repotting, put the pieces in a warm sand-bed to encourage fresh roots. Lvs. oblong-hastate, with acute basal lobes. A very worthy species for ornament.
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