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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Cephalotus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Cephalotus (Greek, head-shaped, in reference to the knob-like swelling behind each anther). Cephalotaceae, a monotypic family near Saxifragaceae. The one species C. follicularis, Labill. (Fig. 875), is abundant at King George's Sound and Swan River in S. W. Austral. From there it has frequently been intro. into cult., and is now met with in American collections. The short creeping rhizomes form 2 sets of lvs. each season: a set of 4-6 flat spatulate lvs., and later as many dainty pitchered lvs. that are richly colored green, crimson or purple, and white. The pitchers are ½-1½ in. long, are covered externally with minute alluring glands, and these with the coloring attract insects. They slip from the smooth-ribbed rim into the cavity, and there are digested by ferment liquids poured out by special glands. The erect scape bears an interrupted spike of small white apetalous fls., each with a 6-parted calyx, 12 stamens, and 6 separate 1-seeded carpels. The plant grows best under a bell-jar, and in a pot amongst fine sandy loam that is covered by sphagnum moss. The lower part of the pot should stand in a vessel with about ½in. of water, and the whole should be placed in a cool greenhouse near the light, when the pitchers assume richest colorings. Prop. is easily effected by separation of small pieces of rhizome that bear 1 or 2 lvs., also by seeds that mature not unfrequently under cult. R. B.23, p. 233. I.H. 27:391. F.S. 3:290. G. 23:340. G. W.8:390. J.H. III. 35:260. J. M. Macfarlane. CH

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