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Chlidanthus >

Read about Chlidanthus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Chlidanthus (delicate flower, from the Greek). Amaryllidaceae. Tropical American summer-flowering bulbs. Allied to Zephyranthes.

Flowers erect, yellow, fragrant, in a small 2- bracted umbel, terminating a solid scape, long-tubed, with wide-spreading segms.; stamens 6, inserted at the throat, the filaments unequal and dilated at base: fr. a 3-valved caps.: lvs. long and strap-shaped: bulb tunicate.—Three or four species. Mex., and S. Amer.

Chlidanthuses are increased by offsets or by seeds. The bulbs should be kept dry and cool during winter and in spring started in a moderately warm house. After flowering, care must be taken to have the bulbs make their annual growth. They may either be grown in pots plunged in ashes, or planted out where they can be watered occasionally during dry weather. Like other similar plants, they will benefit by a mulching of spent hops or rotted manure.

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