Origin: | ✈ | ? |
Exposure: | ☼ | ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property. |
Water: | ◍ | ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property. |
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Species listwp:
- Coelogyne acutilabium de Vogel
- Coelogyne albobrunnea J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne albolutea Rolfe
- Coelogyne anceps Hook.f.
- Coelogyne asperata Lindl.
- Coelogyne assamica Linden & Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne barbata Lindl. ex Griff.
- Coelogyne beccarii Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne bicamerata J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne bilamellata Lindl.
- Coelogyne borneensis Rolfe
- Coelogyne brachygyne J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne brachyptera Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne breviscapa Lindl.
- Coelogyne bruneiensis de Vogel
- Coelogyne buennemeyeri J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne calcarata J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne calcicola Kerr
- Coelogyne caloglossa Schltr.
- Coelogyne candoonensis Ames
- Coelogyne carinata Rolfe.
- Coelogyne celebensis J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne chanii Gravend. & de Vogel
- Coelogyne chlorophaea Schltr.
- Coelogyne chloroptera Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne clemensii Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames.
- Coelogyne clemensii var. angustifolia Carr
- Coelogyne clemensii var. clemensii
- Coelogyne clemensii var. longiscapa Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames
- Coelogyne compressicaulis Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames
- Coelogyne concinna Ridl.
- Coelogyne confusa Ames.
- Coelogyne contractipetala J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne corymbosa Lindl.
- Coelogyne crassiloba J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne craticulilabris Carr
- Coelogyne cristata Lindl.
- Coelogyne cumingii Lindl.
- Coelogyne cuprea H.Wendl. & Kraenzl.
- Coelogyne cuprea var. cuprea
- Coelogyne cuprea var. planiscapa J.J.Wood & C.L.Chan
- Coelogyne dichroantha Gagnep
- Coelogyne distans J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne dulitensis Carr.
- Coelogyne eberhardtii Gagnep
- Coelogyne ecarinata C.Schweinf.
- Coelogyne echinolabium de Vogel
- Coelogyne elmeri Ames.
- Coelogyne endertii J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne exalata Ridl.
- Coelogyne filipeda Gagnep.
- Coelogyne fimbriata Lindl.
- Coelogyne flaccida Lindl.
- Coelogyne flexuosa Rolfe.
- Coelogyne foerstermannii Rchb.f..
- Coelogyne formosa Schltr.
- Coelogyne fragrans Schltr.
- Coelogyne fuerstenbergiana Schltr.
- Coelogyne fuscescens Lindl.
- Coelogyne fuscescens var. brunnea (Lindl.) Lindl..
- Coelogyne fuscescens var. fuscescens
- Coelogyne fuscescens var. integrilabia Pfitzer in H.G.A.Engler (ed.).
- Coelogyne genuflexa Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames.
- Coelogyne ghatakii T.K.Paul, S.K.Basu & M.C.Biswas
- Coelogyne gibbifera J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne glandulosa Lindl.
- Coelogyne glandulosa var. bournei S.Das & S.K.Jain
- Coelogyne glandulosa var. glandulosa
- Coelogyne glandulosa var. sathyanarayanae S.Das & S.K.Jain
- Coelogyne gongshanensis H.Li ex S.C.Chen.
- Coelogyne griffithii Hook.f.
- Coelogyne guamensis Ames
- Coelogyne hajrae Phukan.
- Coelogyne harana J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne hirtella J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne hitendrae S.Das & S.K.Jain.
- Coelogyne holochila P.F.Hunt & Summerh.
- Coelogyne huettneriana Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne imbricans J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne incrassata (Blume) Lindl.
- Coelogyne incrassata var. incrassata
- Coelogyne incrassata var. sumatrana J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne incrassata var. valida J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne integerrima Ames
- Coelogyne integra Schltr.
- Coelogyne judithiae P.Taylor
- Coelogyne kaliana P.J.Cribb.
- Coelogyne kelamensis J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne kemiriensis J.J.Sm..
- Coelogyne kinabaluensis Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames.
- Coelogyne lacinulosa J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne latiloba de Vogel
- Coelogyne lawrenceana Rolfe
- Coelogyne lentiginosa Lindl.
- Coelogyne leucantha W.W.Sm.
- Coelogyne lockii Aver.
- Coelogyne loheri Rolfe
- Coelogyne longiana Aver.
- Coelogyne longibulbosa Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames.
- Coelogyne longifolia (Blume) Lindl.
- Coelogyne longipes Lindl.
- Coelogyne longirachis Ames
- Coelogyne longpasiaensis J.J.Wood & C.L.Chan
- Coelogyne lycastoides F.Muell. & Kraenzl.
- Coelogyne macdonaldii F.Muell. & Kraenzl.
- Coelogyne malintangensis J.J.Sm..
- Coelogyne malipoensis Z.H.Tsi
- Coelogyne marmorata Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne marthae S.E.C.Sierra
- Coelogyne mayeriana Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne merrillii Ames
- Coelogyne micrantha Lindl.
- Coelogyne miniata (Blume) Lindl.
- Coelogyne monilirachis Carr
- Coelogyne monticola J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne mooreana Rolfe
- Coelogyne mossiae Rolfe
- Coelogyne motleyi Rolfe ex J.J.Wood, D.A.Clayton & C.L.Chan
- Coelogyne moultonii J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne multiflora Schltr.
- Coelogyne muluensis J.J.Wood
- Coelogyne naja J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne nervosa A.Rich.
- Coelogyne nitida (Wall. ex D.Don) Lindl.
- Coelogyne obtusifolia Carr
- Coelogyne occultata Hook.f.
- Coelogyne occultata var. occultata
- Coelogyne occultata var. uniflora N.P.Balakr.
- Coelogyne odoardi Schltr.
- Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
- Coelogyne ovalis Lindl.
- Coelogyne palawanensis Ames
- Coelogyne pandurata Lindl. : Black Orchid
- Coelogyne papillosa Ridl. ex Stapf.
- Coelogyne parishii Hook.f.
- Coelogyne peltastes Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne pempahisheyana H.J.Chowdhery
- Coelogyne pendula Summerh. ex Perry
- Coelogyne pholidotoides J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne picta Schltr.
- Coelogyne planiscapa Carr.
- Coelogyne planiscapa var. grandis Carr.
- Coelogyne planiscapa var. planiscapa
- Coelogyne plicatissima Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames
- Coelogyne prasina Ridl.
- Coelogyne prolifera Lindl.
- Coelogyne pulchella Rolfe.
- Coelogyne pulverula Teijsm. & Binn.
- Coelogyne punctulata Lindl.
- Coelogyne punctulata f. brevifolia (Lindl.) S.Das & S.K.Jain
- Coelogyne punctulata f. punctulata
- Coelogyne quadratiloba Gagnep.
- Coelogyne quinquelamellata Ames
- Coelogyne radicosa Ridl.
- Coelogyne radioferens Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames
- Coelogyne raizadae S.K.Jain & S.Das.
- Coelogyne remediosae Ames & Quisumb.
- Coelogyne renae Gravend. & de Vogel.
- Coelogyne rhabdobulbon Schltr.
- Coelogyne rigida C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne rigidiformis Ames & C.Schweinf.
- Coelogyne rochussenii de Vriese : Necklace Orchid
- Coelogyne rumphii Lindl.
- Coelogyne rupicola Carr.
- Coelogyne salmonicolor Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne sanderae Kraenzl. ex O'Brien
- Coelogyne sanderiana Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne schilleriana Rchb.f. & K.Koch.
- Coelogyne schultesii S.K.Jain & S.Das.
- Coelogyne septemcostata J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne sparsa Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne speciosa (Blume) Lindl.
- Coelogyne speciosa subsp. fimbriata (J.J.Sm.) Gravend.
- Coelogyne speciosa subsp. incarnata Gravend.
- Coelogyne speciosa subsp. speciosa
- Coelogyne squamulosa J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne steenisii J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne stenobulbum Schltr.
- Coelogyne stenochila Hook.f.
- Coelogyne stricta (D.Don) Schltr.
- Coelogyne suaveolens (Lindl.) Hook.f.
- Coelogyne susanae P.J.Cribb & B.A.Lewis
- Coelogyne swaniana Rolfe
- Coelogyne tenasserimensis Seidenf.
- Coelogyne tenompokensis Carr.
- Coelogyne tenuis Rolfe
- Coelogyne testacea Lindl.
- Coelogyne tiomanensis M.R.Hend.
- Coelogyne tomentosa Lindl. : Necklace Orchid
- Coelogyne tommii Gravend. & P.O'Byrne
- Coelogyne trilobulata J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne trinervis Lindl.
- Coelogyne triplicatula Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne triuncialis P.O'Byrne & J.J.Verm.
- Coelogyne tumida J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne undatialata J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne usitana Roeth & O.Gruss.
- Coelogyne ustulata C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne vanoverberghii Ames
- Coelogyne veitchii Rolfe
- Coelogyne velutina de Vogel
- Coelogyne venusta Rolfe
- Coelogyne vermicularis J.J.Sm.
- Coelogyne verrucosa S.E.C.Sierra
- Coelogyne virescens Rolfe
- Coelogyne viscosa Rchb.f.
- Coelogyne weixiensis X.H.Jin (2005)
- Coelogyne xyrekes Ridl.
- Coelogyne yiii Schuit. & de Vogel
- Coelogyne zhenkangensis S.C.Chen & K.Y.Lang
- Coelogyne zurowetzii Carr
Old listCH: C. albo-lutea, Rolfe. Fls. showy, very fragrant, pure white, with lobes yellow. Mts. of N. India.—C. Brymeriana, Hort. A garden hybrid between C. Dayana and C. asperata.—-C. burfordiensis, Hort. (C. pandurata X C. asperata). Fls. pale green, the spiny crest black, the ridges green and yellow. G.C. III. 49:331.— C. chrysotropis, Schltr. Scape much shorter than the lvs., few-fld. Sumatra.—C. Colmanii, Hort. A garden hybrid between C. speciosa major and C. cristata alba.-C. Cumingii, Lindl. Fls. white, the disk citron-yellow; sepals and petals lanceolate. Singapore. B.R. 27:29. B.M. 4045.—C. fragrans, Hort. A trade name. —C. fuliginosa, Lindl. Fls. appearing in succession, 2 in. across, light brownish white, the lip fringed. N. India. B.M. 4440. J.F. 1:7.—C. Garderiana, Lindl. =Neogyne.-C. Lawrenceana, Rolfe. Fl. single; sepals and petals yellow, 2-2 5i in. long, the sepals lanceolate-oblong, the petals linear; lateral lobes of lip brown, the middle lobe white, the disk marbled with brown. Annam. B.M. 8164. G.C. III. 47:335.—C. Mooreana, Sander. Racemes 4-8-fld.; fls. white; disk golden yellow, covered with clavate processes. Annam. B.M. 8297.—C. ochracea, Lindl. Fls. about 2 in. across, fragrant, white, the lip blotched and streaked orange-yellow. N. India. B.R. 32:69. B.M. 4661. J.F. 4:342.—C. perakensis. Rolfe. Racemes many-fld.; sepals light buff, lanceolate-oblong, about Kin. long; petals light green, linear, a little shorter than sepals; lip light yellow, with a deep yellow blotch on disk. Perak. B.M. 8203.— C. praecox, Lindl., var alba. A nearly white form.—C. Sanderae, Kranzl. Fls. white; sepals oblong-lanceolate; petals narrower, linear; lip yellow, marked with golden, the keels red-brown. Burma. G.C. III. 13:361.—C. Veitchii, Rolfe. Racemes many- fld., pendulous; fl-. nearly globose, white, the sepals and petals much incurved; lip longer than sepals, the lateral lobes obtuse, the middle lobe ovate, revolute; disk obscurely 3-keeled. New Guinea. B.M. 7764.—C. venusta, Rolfe. Racemes many-fld., pendulous; fls. pale yellow, the lip white, marked with yellow. S. W. China. B.M. 8262.—C. virescens, Rolfe. Resembling C. Parishii. Fls. pale green with dark dots on the lip. CH }}
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
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