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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Davallia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Davallia (a personal name). Polypodiaceae. Ferns, some of them grown under glass, and the smaller species making good plants for hanging-baskets.

Tropical plants, usually with firm, somewhat finely divided foliage and coriaceous semi-cylindric indusia, which are attached at both the base and sides, opening toward the margin of the leaf.—Some twenty species, in many parts of the globe, some of them epiphytes.

The diverse habits of growth of the many different species of davallias, and their good lasting qualities, peculiarly fit them under ordinary care for decorative purposes, when delicate and graceful plants are desired. Among the many species, the following are most often seen and best adapted for commercial purposes: D. bullata, D. parvula, very dwarf; D. pentaphylla, young fronds of a dark bronzy green, and D. Tyermannii (Humata), are well adapted for hanging-baskets. D. dissecta and var. elegans, D. concinna (Loxoscaphe), D. fijiensis and vars. plumosa and major, D. foeniculacea (Loxoscaphe), D. solida, D. pallida (syn. Mooreana) and D. pyxidata are adapted for large specimen plants. D. tenuifolia (Odontosoria chinensis) and vars. stricta and Veitchiana are desirable for fern-dishes, because of their dwarfish habit of growth and the ease with which they may be raised from spores.—Old plants of davallia may be cut into a number of smaller ones with a sharp knife. Planted firmly into shallow pans and placed in a temperature of 60° to 65° F., they soon develop into symmetrical plants. The rhizomes should be firmly fastened to soil by strong copper-wire staples, where they will root in a snort time. To gain a large number of small plants, the rhizomes should be detached, cleaned from all soil and roots, laid on sand and thinly covered with moss. Placed in a shaded position in a temperature of 65° to 70° F., and kept moderately moist, a number of small plants will develop from the dormant eyes, which may be separately potted as soon as of sufficient size. Spores of davallia should be sown on a fine compost of soil, leaf-mold or peat and sand in equal parts, and placed in a shaded position in a temperature of 60° to 65° F. All the operations of propagation of davallias will be most successful if conducted during the spring months. All davallias delight in a rich and open compost, an abundance of light and air, and moisture at their roots, a temperature of 60° to 65° F. and a thorough syringing every bright day. (N. N. Bruckner.) CH

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{Inc| For D. concinna and D. foeniculacea, see Loxoscaphe. D. platyphylla, see Microlepia; D. stricta, see Stenoloma; D. tenuifolia, see Stenoloma; U. Tyermannii, see Humata.CH }} {Inc| Several other ferns are in trade under the name Davallia, which are property referred to other genera. Of these, disposition should be made as follows: D. alpina=Humata repens; D. angustata=Humata heterophylla; D. brasiliensis=Saccoloma inaequale; D. retusa =Odontosoria retusa; D. tenuifolia=Odontosoria chinensis. D. amarna. and D. decora are names of uncertain standing and application. CH }}


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