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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Douglasia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Douglasia (after David Douglas, the Scotch botanist, who explored California. Oregon and British Columbia in 1823 and 1829). Incl. Aretia. Primulaceae. Low tufted perennial herbs, one of which is used in alpine gardening.

The genus is closely allied to Androsace and Primula, but in those two genera the lvs. come from the root, while Douglasia has branches, though very short ones, which are densely clothed with lvs. Douglasia has a corolla-tube equaling or exceeding the calyx, somewhat inflated toward the top, with 5 scales or crests beneath the sinuses; calyx 5-lobed, persistent; stamens 5, included; ovary 5-ovuled: fr. a turbinate 1- or 2-seeded caps.—Seven or 8 species in mountains of Eu., and W. N. Amer., considered to be 6 by Pax & Knuth in Engler’s Pflanzenreich, hft. 22 (1905). The fls. are yellow in D. Vitaliana, which is the cult. species, but otherwise rose-purple. The plants require the treatment accorded to other alpines; see Alpine Plants, Vol. I.

Some of the American douglasias. all with rose or purple fls., are sometimes listed by foreign specialists in alpines.- D. arctica, Hook. Glabrous: lvs. ciliate with short and simple hairs, apex obtuse:: fl. 1 on a scape; corolla-tube about equaling calyx: plant loosely cespitose. High arctic Amer.—D. dentata. Wats. Like D. nivalis and by some considered to be a form of it, but coarser and with broader often spatulate lvs. which arc entire and sparingly denticulate. Cascade Mts., Wash.—D. laevigata, Gray. Mature lvs. coriaceous, the margin smooth or rarely minutely ciliate, blade oblong or oblong-lanceolate and obtuse: fls. 2-5; corolla-tube almost twice as long as calyx. Ore., Wash.—D. montana, Gray. Mature lvs. prominently ciliate on the margins, destitute of forked hairs, the blade very small and linear or lanceolate: fls. single, the corolla-tube less than the calyx or just equaling it. Mts., Wyo., Mont. Runs into several forms, 2 of which have been described as species (D. biflora, Nelson and D. or Androsace uniflora).—D. nivalis, Lindl. Mature Ivs. covered with minute 2-3-forked pairs, margins not ciliate, blade linear and usually entire: fls. 3-7, the corolla-tube hardly exceeding the calyx. Columbia River. L. H. B. CH

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