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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Drymophloeus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Drymophloeus (Greek words meaning oak and smooth inner bark). Palmaceae, tribe Areceae. Spineless pinnate palms, with slender medium caudices.

Leaves terminal, equally pinnatisect, the segms. cuneate-oblong or linear, broadly oblique, submem- branaceous, 3- to many-nerved, the margins recurved at the base; rachis scaly, 3-sided; sheath long: spadix with a short peduncle and slender branches; spathes 2 or many, the lower one 2-crested. This genus contains a tropical palm, with very distinct wedge-shaped lfts. and ornamental scarlet frs., borne every year. It flowers when only a few feet high, and is suitable for pot culture.—Species 12. Australasia and the Pacific Isls.

The chances are that most of the plants now known to the American trade as D. olivaeformis are really D. appendiculata. The true D. olivaeformis is said to nave been offered by a few dealers as Ptychosperma Rumphii. D. appendiculata was described and figured by William Watson, in Garden and Forest, mistakenly as D. olivae formis, as explained in B.M. 7202. He adds, "Like all the palms of this section of the border, Drymophloeus requires a tropical moist house with abundance of water at all times." G.C. II. 24:394. The plant figured was about fourteen years old, 3 feet high, with leaves about 3 feet long. The plant takes about six months to mature its fruits.

D. Mooreanus, Hort. "An erect-growing palm with grayish green lvs."—D. olivaeformis, Mart., not the trade plant of that name, has narrower lfts. than the above, and the fr. half immersed in the greatly enlarged perianth. Jared G.smith. N. Taylor. CH

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