Eschscholtzia californica

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Eschscholtzia californica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Eschscholtzia californica, Cham. California Poppy. Fig. 1423. Perennial, but cult, as an annual, 10-24 in. high, forming mate: Lvs. long-petioled and divided into linear parts, those on the sts. smaller and shorter-petioled: fl. saucer-shaped, opening in sunshine, 2-3 in. across, yellow or orange or cream-colored: pod 3-4 in. long, strong-ribbed: torus large and funnel-shaped. Calif. and Ore., mostly along the coast.—One of the most popular garden fls. It is treated as a hardy annual, the seeds being sown where the plants are to stand, and they should be sown very early. It stands considerable cold, and blooms after the first frosts. If well protected, plants of one season's growth will pass the winter and give some bloom the following spring. It sometimes self-sows. Very attractive as an edging, because of its interesting bluish foliage. There are double-fld. forms. Very variable, and cult, under a variety of names, as C. maritima, Hort. (net Greene), C. varia, Hort. (trade name for mixed varieties), C. aurantiaca, Hort., C. alba, Hort., C. Thorburnii, Hort. In color forms are offered yellow, golden yellow, white, rose- white, carmine, rose. Var. crocea, Hort. (E. crocea, Benth.). Fls. deep orange: torus very widely expanded: calyx-bud long-attenuate. B.R. 1077. B.M. 3495. Var. Douglasii, Gray (E. Douglasii, Benth.). Rather more slender, and blooms earlier: fls. pure yellow: torus rim narrow. CH

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