Eucalyptus resinifera

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Eucalyptus resinifera in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Eucalyptus resinifera, Smith. Kino Eucalypt. Red Mahogany. Erect symmetrical tree: bark of trunk persistent, rough, and fibrous; of branches deciduous: lvs. lanceolate, thick, and almost leathery; oil -dots quite obscure; veins widely spreading from midrib: lid conical; stamens 4-6 lines long; anthers ovate, opening by parallel slits: fr. about 4 lines wide, not contracted at orifice; valves acute, well exserted. F.v.M. Eucal. 1 :9. — Apparently endures both cold and drought better than E. globulus; requires a rather moist climate. Wood strong and durable, red, but bears no real resemblance to true mahogany; not liable to shrink; lasts well underground. CH

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