Plant Characteristics
?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
ExpandRead about Exochorda in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Exochorda (from exo, external, and chorde, a cord, referring to the chord belonging to the external part of the placenta on the ventral side of the carpels). Rosaceae. Pearl- Bush. Ornamental shrubs grown chiefly for the showy racemes of pure white flowers.
Deciduous: winter-buds conspicuous, with imbricate scales: lvs. alternate, petioled, entire or serrate: fls. in terminal racemes, polygamo-dioocious; calyx-tube broadly turbinate; calyx-lobes and petals 5; stamens 15-25, at the margin of a large disk, short; carpels 5. connate; styles distinct: fr. a 5-angled, deeply furrowed caps., separating into 5 bony, 1-2-seeded carpels; seeds winged.—Three species in China and Turkestan.
The pearl-bushes are slender-branched shrubs with rather thin bright green foliage and very showy white flowers. E. Karolkowii is hardy North. E. racemosa and E. Giraldii are at least hardy as far north as Massachusetts. They grow best in a well-drained loamy soil and in a sunny position. Propagation is by seeds, or by softwood cuttings taken from forced plants; taken in summer from the open they root slowly and with difficulty; also by layering.
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