Goodyera (after John Goodyer, British botanist, who helped Johnson in his edition of Gerairde's Herbal). Orchidaceae, tribe Polychondrese. Dwarf terrestrial orchids of minor importance which are cultivated chiefly for their variegated foliage.
Leaves radical, usually reticulately veined: fls. in dense or loose spikes; labellum saccate; anther on the back of the column.—About 25 species. They have scapes 8-18 in. high at most. Difficult to grow; require shade. Includes the rattlesnake plantain.
G. dawsoniana and G. discolor. See Heemaria.— G. nuda. Thouars. Lvs. variegated: fls. whitish, with petals and midveins of sepals light brown. Mascarene Isls.—-G. quercicola. See Physurus.
By some Botanists, the name Goodyera is given up. The species referred to Goodyera are then by some authors placed in Peramium; by others the old application of the name Epipactis is used, and in that case what we have been calling Epipuctis goes in Serapias. Following this latter disposition, the characterization of Epipactis is the same as the characterization given here for Goodyera, the name Epipactis merely supplanting Goodyera.—Under Epipactis, the above goodyeras take names as follows: E. willdenovii, House (Goodyera pubescens, 11. Br., Peramium pubescens, MacM., Epipactis pubescens, A. A. Eaton, not Pursh). E. repent, Crantz (Goodyera repena, R. Br.) E. tesselata, A. A. Eaton (Goodyera tesselata, Lodd.). E. decipiens, Ames (Goodyera menziesii, Lindl.). E. velutina, A. A. Eaton. E. Schlechtendaliana, A. A. Eaton.— Under Serapias, the following synonyny would occur: SERA-PIAS, Unn. Sp. PI. 949, 1753. Helleborine, (Tourn.) J. Hill., Brit. Herbal 477, 1750. Epipactis, Zinn, Cat. PI. Hort. Goett. 85, 1757. Adans. Fam. 2:70. 1763. .Amesia, Nelson & MacBride. Bot. Gaz. 56:472. 1913. Species: Serapias Helleborine, Linn.; Serapias atrorubens, Hoffm. Serapias gigantea, A. A. Eaton (syn. Epipactis royleana, Lindl.), and several others.—If Peramium is used for Goodyera, the synonymy becomes: PERAMIUM, Salisb. Trans. Hort. Soc. 1:301. 1812. Empactis, (Haller) Boehm. in Ludw. Definit. Gen. PI. 1760. Not Zinn 1757. Goodyera, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. 2, 5:197, 1813. Species: Peramium pubescens, MacM.; Peramium decipiens, Piper (syn. Goodyera menziesii, Lindl.): Peramium tesselaturn. Heller; Peramium ophioides, Rydberg (syn. Goodyera repens var. ophioides Fernald).
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