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ExpandRead about Guettarda in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Guettarda (J. E. Guettard, 1715-1786, physician, mineralogist and botanist in France). Rubiaceae. Forty to fifty tropical and subtropical shrubs of both the eastern and western hemispheres, chiefly the latter, two of which are offered for ornament in southern California.
Leaves opposite or verticillate, ovate or oblong, petiolate or nearly sessile: fls. in axillary more or less forked cymes, sometimes polygamo-dioecious, 4-9- merous; calyx continued beyond ovary into a cup- shaped or bell-shaped rim; corolla salverform, with long tube and rounded or oblong segms.; stamens 4-9, inserted in the tube or throat, not exserted; ovary 4-9-celled: fr. a thin-fleshed globular or obtusely angled drupe.
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