Hibiscus trionum

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Read about Hibiscus trionum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hibiscus trionum, Linn. (H. vesicarius, Cav. H. africanus, Hort.). Flower-of-an-hour. Bladder KetMa. Trailing Hollyhock. Fig. 1830. Annual, 1-2 ft. high, bushy-spreading, the main branches becoming prostrate, usually hispid-hairy: lvs. 3-5-parted, the upper ones 3-parted, with the middle lobe much the largest, the lobes linear-oblong or sometimes widening upward, coarsely notched, the root-lvs. undivided: fls. solitary in the upper axils, opening wide in the sunshine but closing in shadow, 1-3 in. across, sulfur- yellow or white, usually with a brown eye; pedicel elongating in fr., and the calyx becoming much inflated. Cent. Afr. B.M. 209.—An interesting annual, blooming freely throughout the hot weather of summer, and thriving in any open, warm place. Seeds are usually sown where the plants are to stand. Excellent for rock- work. It is sometimes a weed in cult, grounds. H. trionum as sometimes defined, has much wider and more spatulate and relatively shorter lf. - lobes, which are round-toothed or lyrately lobed: fls. smaller: and in this case the above description would apply to H. vesicaritis; but there seems to be insufficient reason for keeping the two distinct. Var. major, Hort., is offered: 2 ft.: fls. primrose-yellow with deep violet center.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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