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Read about Hippocrepis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hippocrepis, (from the Greek for horse and shoe, in reference to the shape of the pod). Leguminosae. Herbs, subshrubs or rarely shrubs, suitable for culture in the alpine garden.

Leaves imparipinnate; lfts. entire, exstipellate; petioles rarely spinescent, persistent: fls. yellow, nodding, in racemes or axillary pedunculate spikes; ovary sessile, 1-2-ovuled; style filiform: pod flattened, indehiscent valves nearly horse-shoe-shaped.—Twelve species in Medit. region, Canary Isls., and 1 as far north as S. Scotland. Of easy cult, in ordinary garden soil. Prop, by division of the root or by seeds.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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