Holodiscus (Greek holos, entire, and discos; the disk is entire). Syn., Schizonbtus, Sericotheca. Rosaceae. Ornamental shrubs, cultivated for the show}' panicles of creamy white flowers.
Deciduous, more or less pubescent: lvs. alternate, petioled, without stipules, incisely serrate or pinnately lobed: fls. in terminal panicles, perfect; calyx cup- shaped, 5-lobed; petals 5; stamens about 20; ovaries 5, surrounded by an entire disk, developing into 5 distinct, pubescent, 1-seeded achenes. Formerly usually referred to Spiraea, but more nearly related to Exochorda.—About 14 closely related species ranging from Brit. Col. through Mex. to Colombia, and east to Idaho, Colo, and New Mex., have been distinguished; by some botanists they are reduced to 5 or even to only 2 species.
These are ornamental free-flowering shrubs with rather small dull green foliage and small, whitish flowers in ample showy panicles: fruit insignificant. H. discolor is a very graceful plant, with its drooping feathery panicles of creamy white flowers, and well adapted for borders of shrubberies or for single specimens on the lawn; it is hardy in favorable localities as far north as Massachusetts. They grow in almost any well-drained soil, and do best in a sunny position. Propagation is by seeds usually sown in boxes in fall and only slightly covered with soil, or by layers; sometimes also increased by greenwood cuttings under glass taken with a heel, but usually only a small percentage of them take root.
H. boursieri, Rchd. (Spirtea boursieri, Carr. Sericotheca boursieri, Rydb.). Allied to H. dumosus, but lvs. flabellate or roundish, smaller and infl. usually simple or sparingly branched, 2-3 in. long. Calif. R.H. 1859, p.
Alfred Rehder.
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