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ExpandRead about Hudsonia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Hudsonia (for William Hudson, 1730-1793, an English botanist). Cistaceae. Beach Heather. Three little heath-like shrubs of eastern North America, suitable for colonizing in dry places and along the seashore: low and diffusely branched, with narrow or scale-like or awl-like often closely pressed lvs.: fls. many and small, yellow, crowded on the upper parts of the branches; petals 5, obovate-oblong, exceeding the calyx; stamens many: fr. a 3-valved caps, included in the calyx. Allied to Helianthemum, but differing chiefly in the 2-oyuled cells of the ovary and in the scale-like or subulate imbricate lvs. H. tomentosa, Nutt., on shores and dunes, and in pine-lands, New Bruns. to N. C. and far westward: lvs. oval to narrow- oblong, closely imbricated: fls. nearly or quite sessile: densely tufted, hoary, 4-8 in. high. May-July. H. ericoldes, Linn., in sands and pine-lands near the coast, Newfoundland to N. C.: greenish, although downy: lvs. subulate and spreading: fls. on slender pedicels; at least. 1 sepal with tooth near apex: 4 to 8 in. L.B.C. 2:192. H. montana, Nutt., in mountains of N. C.: bushy and somewhat villous: lvs. narrow- subulate, somewhat spreading with age: fls. on slender pedicels; at least 1 sepal with linear-subulate lobe: tufted, the branches 4-6 in. long. They are hardy N. and handsome when covered with their bright yellow numerous fls., but very rarely cult., as they are difficult to grow and short-lived. The first species is a seashore plant and demands very sandy moderately moist soil; the second grows in dry sandy soil. Prop, by seeds and probably by cuttings. Alfred Rehder.
L. H. B.
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