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Read about Hypochoeris in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hypochoeris(old name, of doubtful origin). Compositae. Sometimes written with the digraph ae. Perhaps 50 herbs, of the Medit. region, N. Asia and the southern part of S. Amer., allied to Leontodon, scarcely cult. They are annual or perennial, more or less branched, yellow-fid.: lvs mostly radical: involucre campanulate, the scales marginless; receptacle with narrow bracts: achenes 10-ribbed, some or all tapering into a beak; pappus of many fine plumose bristles; heads homogamous, the florets ligulate. H. uniflora, Vill. (Achyrophorus helveticus, Scop. & Less.), has been offered in N. Amer.: perennial: radical lvs. oblong- lanceolate, dentate, hirsute; cauline lvs. 1-2: st. simple, 1-headed or sometimes 2-3-headed under cult.: involucre very hairy: achenes beaked. Mountains of Eu., and useful in alpine- and rock-gardening. L.H.B.

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