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Read about Ixiolirion in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ixiolirion (Greek, an ixia-like lily). Amaryllidaceae. Three or four species of hardy bulbs from western and central Asia, with umbels of deep blue or violet six-lobed flowers, borne in spring.

Perianth regular, without tube above the ovary; segms., oblanceolate, acute; stamens shorter than the segms., attached to their claws; ovary club-shaped, 3-celled, becoming a 3-valved caps.: lvs. very narrow, mostly at base of the st. The nearest cult, allies are Alstroemeria and Bomarea, which have no distinct rootstock, while Ixiolirion has a bulbous rootstock. The bulbs should be lifted in autumn and stored.

I. kolpakowakianum, Regel (Kolpakowakia ixidlirioides Regel), is perhaps a form of above, but has a smaller bulb, fls. 2-4 in a terminal umbel, and the perianth-segms. ľ-1 in. long: lvs. about 4 in a basal tuft and 1 or 2 small ones above. Turkestan. Gt. 1878:953. L.H.B.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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