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ExpandRead about Jasminum humile in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Jasminum humile, linn. (J. revolittiim, Sims. J. Wallichidnum Lindl. J. flavum, Sieb. J. triumphans, Hort.). Fig. 2009. A diffuse shrub, in the open ground in the S. reaching 20 ft. and requiring support, but in glasshouses usually grown as a pot-bush: branches glabrous, angled: lvs. alternate, odd-pinnate (rarely reduced to 1 1ft.), the lateral lfts. 1-3 pairs, all lfts. thickish and acuminate, and more or less revolute on the edges, varying from oblong to oblong-lanceolate to oblong-rotund: fls. bright yellow, in open clusters; calyx-teeth very short; corolla-tube 3/4-l in. long, usually considerably exceeding the mostly obtuse and reflexing lobes. Trop. Asia. B.M. 1731. B.R. 178; 350; 1409. L.B.C. 10:966.—Apparently the commonest jasmine in American glasshouses, usually known as J.revolutum. It is hardy in the open as far north as Maryland. Lvs. thick and evergreen. Needs a cool house if grown under glass. Summer and fall bloomer. J. Reevesii, Hort., probably belongs to this species. Some horticulturists distinguish a J. humile from J. revolutum, the former said to be of smaller size, less floriferous, and fls. smaller and scarcely fragrant.
The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.
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