Juniperus virginiana, linn. red cedar. Savin. Fig. 2025. Tree, to 100 ft., with conical head and spreading or upright branches: lvs. acicular, spiny-pointed, spreading or scale-like, rhombic, acute or subacute, imbricate, very small: fr. brownish violet, bloomy, globular or ovoid. Canada to Fla., east of the Rocky Mts. S.S. 10:524. G.F. 8:65; 10:145. F.E.27:147. G.W. 16, p. 540.—A very variable species. Some of the most important varieties are the following: var. albo-spicata, Beissn. Tips of branchlets white. var. albo-varie- gata, Beissn. Branchlets variegated with white; a very similar more constant form is "Triomphed' Angers." var. aureo-variegata, Hort. With golden yellow variegation. var. Cannartii, Beissn. A compact, ovate-pyramidal form, dark green, with bloomy bluish fr. var. chamberlaynii, Carr. With spreading branches and elongated, pendulous branchlets: lvs. dimorphic, grayish green. var. dumosa, carr. Dense shrub, forming a rounded pyramid, with mostly needle- shaped, bright green lvs. var. elegantissima, Hort. Tips of young branchlets golden yellow. var. glauca, Carr. Vigorous-growing form, with glaucous foliage. var. globdosa, Beissn. Compact globose form with bright green scale-like foliage. var. pendula, Carr. With spreading limbs and slender, pendulous branches: lvs. usually scale-like. var. plumosa, Hort. A graceful pyramidal form with needle-shaped lvs., the tips whitish (var. plumosa alba or plumosa argentea, Hort.), or pure white (var. plumosa nivea, Schwendt.). var. pyramidalis, Carr. Dense, columnar form, with the foliage glaucous (var. pyramidalis glauca) or bright green (var. Pyramidalis viridis). var. reptans, Beissn. Low shrub, with horizontally spreading, procumbent branches and slender, curving branchlets: bright green. M.D.G. 1896:296. Probably the same as var. horizontalis, Arb. Kew. Var. Schottii, Beissn. A dwarfish, dense, pyramidal form, with bright green and rather light foliage. var.tripartita, Beissn. A dwarf, spreading form of irregular habit, densely branched, with acicular, glaucous lvs. F.E. 33:15. var. venusta, Hort. (J. venusta, Ellwanger & Barry). A columnar form with glossy dark green, scale-like foliage.—The dwarf forms
are often very similar to J. Sabina and hard to distinguish without frs. except by the strong, disagreeable odor of the bruised branchlets of the latter.
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