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Read about Klugia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Klugia(Dr. Fr. Klug, German zoologist). Gesneriaceae. About 4 blue-fld. herbs, rooting at the base and more or less succulent, suitable for growing in the greenhouse. Lvs. alternate, or sometimes nearly opposite and one of the pair reduced to very small size, the sides of the lf. unequal, many-nerved, sinuate or nearly entire: fls. opposite the lvs. or terminal, small and pendulous, short-stalked; calyx 5-angled or 5- winged, one wing often larger than the others, the lobes of calyx 5; corolla-tube cylindrical, 2-lipped, the upper lip very small and the lower rounded or somewhat 3-lobed; stamens 4. perfect: fr. a 2-valved caps, included in the calyx. India, and 1 species in Mex. K. notoniana, A. DC. Quick-growing herbaceous annual, 12-18 in., more or less puberulent: lvs. petiolate, ovate, acuminate, 5-8 in. long: corolla-tube white, ½ in. long; large lower lip blue, with yellow at the base; calyx-lobes short and triangular, and one wing larger. India, 2,000- 5,000 ft. altitude; variable. Blooms under glass, Jan. to summer. G.C. III. 19:237. K. zeylanica, Gardn., differs in the long-acuminate calyx-lobes and the wings of calyx nearly equal. Ceylon. B.M. 4620 (as K. Nolaniana). L.H.B.

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