Latania (East Indian name). Palmaceae. Tall, spineless palms, with solitary robust annular trunks.
Leaves ample, terminal, long-petioled, suborbicular, palmately flabelliform, plicately multifid; segms. smooth or spiny on the margins; rachis short; petiole 3-sided, concave above; ligule shell-shaped; sheath short: spadices many feet long, com pressed at the base and branches, sheathed with incomplete sheaths: staminate-fld. branches cylindrical, digitately arranged at the ends of the branches, very densely clothed with imbricated bracts; pistillate portion somewhat twisted, few-fld., sheathed with very broad dentate bracts; staminate flowers. in tiny pits and half-exserted beyond the bracts, the perianth smooth and shining; pistillate flowers. larger: drupe globose, obovoid or pear-shaped, yellow. —Three species of fan palms from the Mascarene Isls. L. borbonica is one of the dozen commonest trade names among palms, but the seeds offered under this name are said to be almost invariably those of Livistona chinensis. Latania borbonica of the botanists is properly Lalania comnursonii, which has 3-seeded frs., while those of Livistona chinensis are 1-seeded. Allied genera are discriminated under Hyphaene.
Latanias are essentially warmhouse palms and require moderate shading through the greater part of the year, and also an abundance of water. A well-drained and rather light compost is most suitable for them, and if the soil at the time of repotting is of the same temperature as the house in which the plants are grown, there will be less risk of a check to the delicate rootlets. They should have a night temperature of not less than 60° to 65°. As they grow very freely, it is advantageous to plant out if possible. Propagate by imported seeds sown over strong bottom heat. Bone-meal is a good fertilizer for these palms. L. Commersonii is a particularly striking palm, the leaf-stems being quite long, smooth, and colored bright crimson, as are also the ribs of its fan-like leaves, this coloring being especially bright on the young foliage. L. Loddigesii is the strongest grower of the genus, the leafstalks reaching a length of about 8 feet, usually chocolate-colored and quite glaucous, the leaves thick and leathery and their ribs reddish while young, though never developing such bright tints as those of the preceding species. L. Verschaffeltii is also very attractive, though possibly a little more delicate than the other two, its leafstalks being long and rather slender, and orange-yellow in color, the ribs of the leaflets also yellow and the leaves themselves of a light shade of green.
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