Lobelia cardinalis

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Read about Lobelia cardinalis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lobelia fulgens, Willd. (L. formbsa, Hort. L. cardinalis, Hort., in part). Very like the last, but fls. larger, deeper red and more showy, the 3 lobes of the lower lip broader: plant mostly pubescent (at least the foliage), and variously tinged or spotted with brown or bronze: bracts more leafy. Mex. B.M. 4002 (as L. splendens var. atro- sanguinea).—Long in cult, and a most desirable plant. Not hardy without protection in the N. It has given rise to many horticultural forms, some of which (as"Queen Victoria") are commonly referred to L. cardinalis. The trade name L. cardinalis atro- sanguinea probably belongs to this species. L. cardinalis Nanseniana, a purple-carmine sort, is probably L. fulgens. In Eu., Lobelia fulgens is one of the popular betiding plants, but it has never gained popularity in Amer. In this country it is usually grown in pots and treated as a conservatory subject.

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Read about Lobelia cardinalis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lobelia splendens, Willd. (L. texensis, Raf.). Like L. cardinalis, but more slender, the lvs. narrower and glandular-denticulate, mostly sessile: seeds little tuberculate. Wet places, Texas, west and south.

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Read about Lobelia cardinalis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lobelia cardinalis, Linn. Cardinal Flower. Indian Pink. Fig. 2190. Straight-growing, glabrous or very nearly so, 2-4 ft. tall, usually unbranehed: lvs. narrow, varying from oblong-ovate to lanceolate, tapering both ways, the petiole very short or none, margin irregularly serrate: fls. bright intense cardinal (rarely varying to white), the tube 1 in. long, the 3 lower lobes very narrow, the fls. borne in a long racemose spike in which the bracts are mostly very narrow and the upper ones little exceeding the pedicels; calyx hemispherical, the tube much shorter than the long-linear lobes: seeds distinctly tuberculate. Wet places, as in swales. New Bruns. to Sask., and Fla. B.M. 320. G. 2:447. Gn.M. 1:187.—One of the most showy of all native fls., and worthy of cult, in any moist border. It has been long in cult., but has apparently given no important horticultural forms.

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