Lonicera japonica

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Read about Lonicera japonica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lonicera japonica, Thunb. Fig. 2204. Climbing, to 15 ft. high: branchlets usually pubescent when young: lvs.half-evergreen, roundish-ovate to oblong, pubescent beneath or almost glabrous, 1 ½ -3 in. long: fls. short-pedicelled, white, changing to yellow, often purplish outside, very fragrant, glandular-pubescent outside, 1 1/2-2 in. long; bracts leafy, ovate or oval; bractlets broad, half as long or as long as ovary: fr. black, separate. June- Aug. China, Japan; naturalized in some places from N. Y. to N. C. B.B. (ed. 2) 3:280. G.M. 45:613. M.D.G. 1901:609. Var. aureo-reticulata, Nichols. (L. reticulata aurea, Hort. L. brachypoda reliculata, Hort.). A form of var. flexuosa, with the smaller and shorter lvs.handsomely netted yellow. B.H. 21:59. G.Z. 9:48. Var. flexuousa, Arb. Kew. (L. flexuosa, Thunb. L. brachypoda, DC.). Less high climbing: lvs.ovate or oblong, obtusish, pubescent on both sides while young or only on the veins beneath: peduncles usually as long as petioles or shorter; corolla 1-1 ½ in. long, usually purplish outside, with the upper limb divided into short lobes; bractlets broad, as long as ovary. Var. chinensis, Baker (L. chinensis, Wats.). Lvs.ovate, acute, ciliate and pubescent only at the veins beneath, often with purplish hue beneath: peduncles usually longer than petioles; corolla 1 ½ -2 in. long, purple outside, the upper lip divided more than one-half; bractlets narrow, about half as long as ovary. B.R. 712. B.M. 3316. L.B.C. 11:1037. Var. Halliana, Nichols. (L. flexuosa Halliana, Dipp. Caprifolium Hallianum, Hort. L. Halliana, Hort.) Of vigorous growth: lvs.usually pubescent on both sides when young, oblong-ovate, acute, to 2 ½ in. long: fls. short-peduncled, white, changing to yellow; tube as long as limb; bractlets broad, half as long as ovary. The type of the species seems to differ from this variety only in having the fls. purplish outside. A.G. 12:663. Gng. 3:293.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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