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Lysiloma >

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Read about Lysiloma in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lysiloma (Greek, probably meaning free border). Leguminosae. About a dozen unarmed trees and shrubs of the American tropics, scarcely cult. They bear bipinnate lvs., and fls. in heads or in cylindrical spikes; petals united into a 5-lobed corolla: pods straight and flat, the valves opening away from the persistent sutures. Some of these plants are often called acacias. L. acapulcensis, Benth. (Acacia acapulcensis, Kunth). Tree-like: pinna; 8-9 pairs, the lfts. very many, oblong-linear and pubes- scent, glands 2 or 3 between some of the pinna;: fls. white in cylindrical axillary spikes; stamens many, monadelphous. Mex. Reported in Santa Barbara. —L. bahamensis, Benth. (L. latisiliqua, Gray, not Benth.). Wild Tamarind. Tree, to 50 ft., wide-spreading: pinnae 3-5 pairs; lfts. 20-50; blades of the latter oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, glabrous or nearly so: fl.-heads white, less than ½ in. diam.: pod oblong, flat and undulate. S. Fla., Bahamas, Cuba.—L.Schiedeana, Benth. Pinnae 6-9 pairs: lfts. 40 pairs, linear, obtuse, glabrous or minutely puberulent; stipules semi- ovate to falcate: fls. white, in 1-3 axillary pedunculate heads. Mex.—L. divaricata (Mimosa divaricata, Jacq.) is a doubtful species with synonymy apparently yet to be cleared up.

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