Mussaenda (a native name in Ceylon). Rubiaceae. Warmhouse or greenhouse plants grown for the flowers and the colored floral bracts or calyx-leaves.
Erect or climbing shrubs or under shrubs, sometimes herbs: lvs. opposite or in 3s, with stipules between, sessile or petiolate: fls. in terminal cymes, yellow, scarlet or white, the corolla tubular and usually funnel- shaped above and the lobes 5; calyx with an oblong or turbinate tube, one of the 5 lobes usually enlarged (in the cult.species) into a white or colored petioled lf. which may make the plant worth cult.; stamens 5, on the corolla-throat or -tube: ovary 2-celled, the style filiform and the stigmas 2: fr. a fleshy many-seeded berry, with an areole at top.-—Species probably 40, in the tropics of Afr., Asia and Polynesia. The few species that are sometimes grown are of easy cult.; prop. in spring by cuttings.
M. luleola, Delile. Slender erect twiggy shrub, pubescent: lvs. to 2 in. long, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, thin, entire: fls. in 3s in few-fld. cymes, long-tubed, yellow; leafy calyx- lobe white or yellowish, ¾ in. or less long, oblong or ovate-cordate. Trop. Afr. B.M. 5573.—M. Treutleri, Stapf. Shrub, somewhat pubescent: lvs. ovate to ovate-elliptic, short-acuminate, to 12 in. long, entire: fls. orange, in many-fld. dense terminal clusters; leafy sepal or calyx-lobe white, shape of the lvs. Trop. Himalaya. B.M. 8254
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