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ExpandRead about Narcissus incomparabilis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Narcissus incomparabilis, Mill. (N. Gouani Red. Queltia foetida, Herb.). Fig. 2444. Strong fine ornamental plant, with large bulb (1½in. diam.) and 3-5 lvs.: lvs. flat (but narrow) and glaucous, nearly or quite the length (1 ft. or more long) of the distinctly 2-edged scape: fl. always 1 fragrant, horizontal or, somewhat ascending, on a very short pedicel, the tube usually greenish, and subcylindrical, the segms. and crenate-plicate 6-lobed corona pale yellow in the type (but varying to other color combinations), the stamens and style not exserted. S. France and Spain to the Tyrol; by some considered a hybrid race of N. Pseudo - Narcissus X N. poeticus. B.M. 121. G. 4:127.—One of the commonest species in cult., the fls. often 3-4 in. across, and in many varieties. Double forms are frequent. Var. albus, Hort., has white fls., with the corona usually pale yellowish. Var. aurantus, Hort., has the corona orange at the top.
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