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Nautilocalyx >

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Read about Nautilocalyx in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Nautilocalyx (Apparently nautilus-shaped calyx). Gesneriaceae. Herbs of Trop. S. Amer., usually referred to Episcea, but lately separated and re-defined by Sprague (Kew Bull. 1912, 85). As now constituted, it comprises species named in Episcea and Alloplectus, 9 being included altogether. Two of these may be mentioned here, although apparently not in the American trade. The species of Nautilocalyx have the general habit and appearance of Episcea, but differ in having ovules on the inner surface only of the placental plates rather than on both surfaces. They are distinguished from Alloplectus in being herbs rather than shrubs and undershrubs, and in bearing a larger corolla- limb.

N. Forgetii, Sprague (Alloplectus Forgetii, Sprague). Fls. pale yellow, corolla hairy outside, the calyx-segms. much shorter than the corolla-tube: lvs. with very wavy margins, somewhat truncate at base, green above and red along the ribs and veins beneath; petioles 2 in. or less long, villous. Peru. N. pallidus, Sprague (Allopectus pallidus. Sprague). Fls. creamy white, the corolla hairy outside and the front part of the tube purple-striped inside and the back part with broad band of purple blotches: lvs. gradually narrowed to base, nearly glabrous above, minutely puberulous beneath. Peru. B.M. 8519.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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