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ExpandRead about Opuntia basilaris in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Opuntia basilaris, Engelm. & Bigel. Fig. 2597 (adapted from Pacific R. R. Report). A low, spreading plant, rarely 1 ft. high: joints thick, variable, usually broadly obovate, with more or less truncate top and branching from the base, 4-7 in. long and 2-4 in. wide, bluish green, and very minutely pubescent: areoles depressed, close together, and with brownish yellow wool and numerous short yellowish brown bristles; spines wanting, rarely present: fls. dark purple, rarely white, 3 in. or more diam.: fr. short, thick green, becoming white and dry at maturity and filled with many large white seeds. S. W. U. S. and N. Mex.
Var. ramosa, Parish. A smaller plant, with joints branching from the upper end, and usually glabrous. S. Calif.
Var. treleasii. Coult. Differs from the species in having larger orbicular or obovate joints, with terete base, and larger Lvs. S. Calif.
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