Osteomeles (Greek, stone apple or stone fruit). Rosaceae, subfamily Pomeae. Ornamental shrubs, sometimes grown for their graceful foliage and white flowers.
Evergreen: Lvs. alternate, pinnate, with linear stipules; lfts. small, entire: fls. in terminal corymbs; calyx- teeth small, acute; petals 5, ovate-oblong; stamens 15-20; styles 5, distinct; ovary inferior, 5-celled, each cell with 1 ovule: fr. a small pome with persistent calyx and 5 1-seeded stones.—Three species in E. Asia and Polynesia. Closely related to Pyracantha and Cotoneaster, but easily distinguished by the pinnate Lvs. The S. American genus Hesperomeles, with about 10 species, of which none seems to be in cult., is sometimes united with Osteomeles; it has simple Lvs. and is apparently more nearly allied to Crataegus.
These plants are slender-branched shrubs with evergreen small pinnate foliage, and white flowers followed by bluish black berry-like fruits. All three species are in cultivation at least in Europe, but can be grown only m subtropical or warmer temperate regions, the hardiast being probably O. Schwerinae. They prefer a sunny position and well-drained soil. Propagation is by seed sown soon after maturity, but it germinates slowly, sometimes not until the second year, or by cuttings of half-ripened wood in July and August under glass; it also may be grafted on cotoneaster.
O. Schwerinae, Schneid. Shrub, to 10 ft.: Ifts. 17-23, oblong or narrow-oblong, acute, ⅙-⅓, rarely ½ in. long, slightly pubescent or nearly glabrous: corymbs loose, slightly villous: fr. glabrous. S.W. China. B.M. 7354, G. 27:219. and G.C. III. 50:433 (as O. anthyllidifolia).—O. subrotunda, Koch. Low shrub: lfts. 11-17, obovate-oblong, obtuse: corymbs and calyx silky pubescent. S. Japan, S.E.China. H.I. 27:2644.
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