Phlox subulata

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Phlox subulata a3.jpg

Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Polemoniaceae >

Phlox >

subulata >

Read about Phlox subulata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Phlox subulata, Linn. (P. setacea, Linn.). Ground Pink. Moss Pink. Tufted or matted species, in many forms, the depressed sts.more or less pubescent: lvs. crowded or fascicled (except on the flowering sts.), narrow-linear to linear-lanceolate, very sharp and usually stiff, ciliate: fls. nearly 1 in. across, light blue, pink or white, in small clusters standing 2-6 in. above the ground, the lobes obcordate or entire. Dry banks and fields, N. Y., west and south, reaching Fla.; run wild in patches along many roadsides, in cemeteries, and elsewhere. —A much-prized old garden plant, useful for colonizing where it is desired to cover the earth with a mat. It blooms profusely in spring. The garden forms are many, as: Var. nivalis, Hort. (P. nivalis, Lodd.), white-fld., style short; ovules commonly 2 or 3 in each cell. Var. aristata, Hort. (P. aristata, Lodd.), has fls. pure white, sometimes lilac-tinted; ovules 1 in each cell. Var. Nelsonii, Hort., (not P. Nelsonii, Brand), white, with rose-red eye; compact. Var. Hentzii, Voss (P, Hentzii, Nutt.), lobes entire or nearly so, white, lavender or purple. Southern states. Var. annulata, Hort., whitish blue, with purple ring. Var. atropurpurea, Hort., rose-purple with crimson ring. Var. grandiflora, Hort., fls. large, red; plant dwarf. Var. stellaris, Hort., with star-like white fls. in profusion. Var. caerulescens, Hort., with bluish fls. Var. pallida. Hort., large-fld., rose-colored shaded lilac. Var. frondosa, Hort., vigorous form; fls. pink with dark center. Var. lilacina, Hort., compact, lilac-fld. —Some of the foregoing forms are described or listed as if derived from P. Stellaria; but whether from the species P. Stellaria, Gray, or the race of stelliaria or stellaris of P. subulata, is not always clear. CH

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