Pittosporum (Greek, pitch seed; in allusion to the resinous coating of the seeds). Pittosporaceae. Hardy or half-hardy evergreen woody plants grown especially in California and Florida. Several species are excellent hedge plants, much preferred to privet and box in some localities; many are useful ornaméntala for lawns and shrubberies; a few are used as avenue trees; nearly all have fragrant flowers.
Shrubs and trees: lvs. simple, exstipulate, alternate or apparently whorled: fls. regular, the parta in 5's; sepals distinct or connate at base; petals distinct or lightly united, tips often recurved ; ovary incompletely 2-celled (rarely 3-5-celled); style 1; stigma 1: fr. a globose, ovate or obo vate caps., 2- to many- seeded; valves leathery or woody.—About 100 species, chiefly of the southern hemi- aph ere and largely Australian.
Pittosporums are usually prop- agated by seeds, which are sown in winter or early spring in ordinary soil in the cool greenhouse. Seeds do not keep well and those of the rarer kinds are difficult to procure; but all species are readily propagated from cuttings of half- ripened wood. P. Tobira, which seldom sets seeds, and its variety, which does not come true, are also obtained in this manner. P. phillyraeoides is best if grafted upon P. undulatum, since otherwise it is liable to be crooked and branched. P. eriocarpum is also grafted upon this stock. Seedlings should be repotted from the seed-bed as soon as the .second or third leaf has formed.
crassifolium, 1. phillyraeoides, 11. Tobira, 3.
eriocarpum, 10. revolutum, 9. undulatum, 6.
erioloma, 4. rhombifolium, 8. variegatum, 3.
eugenioides, 7. sinense, 5. viridiflorum, 5.
nigricans, 2. tenuifolium, 2.
P. bicolor. Hook. f. Shrub or tree with tomentose twigs: lvs. linear, glabrous above, tomentose beneath: fls. axillary, 1/2in. long, yellow and purple. Austral. — P. Buchdnani, Hook. f. Closely allied to P. tenuifolium: lvs. 2-5 in. long, oblong-lanceolate, acute, very thin, flat: fr. leas than 1/2in. thick. New Zeal. — P. Colensoi, Hook. f. Sometimes considered as a form of P. tenuifolium: branches stouter: lvs. 2—4 in. long, sharply pointed, flat, more coriaceous and deeper green. B.M. 8306. G.C. III. 26:370. Cult, in England. — -P. Fairchildii, Cheesem. Shrub, related to P. crossif olium : lvs. broader, glabrous when mature, margins not revolute: fr. 9-12 lines long, glabrous when mature. New Zeal. — P. floribundum, Wight & Arn. A small tree: lvs. lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate. glabrous, shining: fls. in terminal compound corymbs, numerous, yellow. Subtrop. Himalayas, ascending to 5.000 ft. — P. hawaiianse, Hillebrand. Lvs. ample, acute, 7-10 in. long. 2-3 in. wide, sparsely to silvery hairy beneath: fls. in terminal clusters, cream- color. Hawaii.—P. heterophyllum, Franch. Half-reclining: lvs. medium-sized, ovate, acute glabrous: fls. few, terminating short branehlets, light yellow. China. Offered by Franoeschi for rockeries and embankments; drought-resistant.—P. illicioides, Makino. A handsome evergreen shrub: lvs. glossy green: fls. greenish yellow. Japan. In general appearance resembles Illicium anisatum. —P. Kirkii, Hook. f. Glabrous shrub: lvs. narrow-obovate. very thick, obtuse: fls. yellow, in terminal umbels. New Zeal.—P. Ralphii, Kirk. Shrub, related to P. crassifolium but If.-margin not revolute: lvs. white-tomentose beneath: fr. 8 lines long, pubescent. New Zeal. G.C. III. 26:205 (as P. crassifolium).—P. tetrasper- mum, Wight & Arn. Shrub: lvs. ovate, acute, 2-4 in. long, glabrous: fls. terminal, yellowish: fr. glabrous, 4-seeded. India.
Harvey Monroe Hall.
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