ExpandRead about Randia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Randia (named in honor of Isaac Rand). Rubiaceae. Trees or shrubs, erect or climbing, unarmed or spiny, grown in the warmhouse for their bloom or hardy outdoors in the extreme southern United States.
Leaves opposite, obovate-oblong or lanceolate, often leathery; stipules short: fls. small or large, solitary, corymbose or axillary, fascicled, rarely terminal, white, yellowish or rarely rose; calyx-tube ovoid, obovoid or turbinate, limb rarely dentate or lobed; corolla funnel- shaped or salver-shaped, tube short or elongated; limb 5-lobed (rarely more), short or elongated; stamens 5; ovary 2- very rarely 3-4-celled : berry globose or ovoid.— About 100 species in the tropical regions, especially in Asia and Air. Closely allied to Mitriostigma and Gardenia.
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