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Read about Raphionacme in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Raphionacme (Greek, needle, and point, referring to the 5 pointed or awned scales in the throat of the corona). Asclepiadaceae. Herbs, with tuberous root- stock often furnished with an elongated woody neck; juice milky: lvs.opposite: fls. small or moderate-sized, terminal in few- or many-fld. cymes, or in the forks of the st., or subaxillary from one axil, rarely from both; calyx 5-parted; corolla-tube distinct, campanulate, lobes 5, erect, spreading or reflexed; crown of 5 free, entire, 2-3-divided or 3-parted lobes alternating with the corolla-lobes: follicles often solitary by abortion.— About 35 species, Trop, and S. Afr. R. utilis, N.E. Br. & Stapf. Perennial herb with a turnip-shaped tuber 2-5 in. diam., covered with dark brown flaky bark: sts. annual, 1—4 in. long, erect or decumbent: lvs. in 2-5 pairs, opposite or forming a rosette close to the ground, orbicular, elliptic or oblong-ovate, obtuse and apiculate or subacute at the apex, rounded or subcor- date at base, green above, purple beneath: fls. in small terminal and axillary cymes or clusters, bright purple; sepals lanceolate, acute, purplish with green tips; corolla atout 1/2in- diam., deeply 5-lobed. Trop. Afr. B.M. 8221. F. Tract Hubbard.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

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