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Plant Characteristics
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Read about Reineckia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Reineckia (J. Reinecke, a German gardener). Liliaceae. A tender perennial herb, with attractive foliage in tufts 1-1 1/2ft. high from a thick, creeping rootstock: lvs. rather long, channeled: scapes leafless: fls. sessile, in a loose spike; perianth-tube cylindrical; lobes recurved, spreading; ovary 3-loculed, with a few seeds to each cell : berry globular, usually with 1 seed to each cell. A single species from China and Japan. The following is procurable from Dutch bulb-growers. B. carnea, Kunth. Fls. dull flesh or pink : bracts rather large, tinted red: fr. red, 3-4 lines diam. Var. variegata, Hort., is also offered. I.H. 9:323.

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