Saxifraga friderici-augusti
Origin: | ✈ | ? |
Exposure: | ☼ | ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property. |
Water: | ◍ | ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property. |
Read about Saxifraga friderici-augusti in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Saxifraga friderici-augusti, Bias., also spelled Frederici-Augusti and Federici-Augusti (S. porophylla, Boiss., not Bertol. S. sempervivum, Koch. S. thessalica, Schott.). Cespitose, 2-6 in. high with short densely foliate caudicles: sts, erect, densely glandular: basal lvs. forming a flattened rosette, linear-lanceolate, acute or acutish, glabrous, flat, entire, often ciliate at the base, remotely pitted near the margin; cauline lvs. spatulate, glandular: infl. a spike-like raceme, dark purple; pedicels all about equal and shorter than the bracts: fls. violet-purple; calyx glandular, the lobes ovate, obtuse; petals cuneate-spatulate, scarcely longer than the calyx-lobes. April. Dalmatia, Serbia, Greece, and N. E. Asia Minor. G. 35:761.—This species has been treated as S. media var. Friderici-Augusti, Engl., but differs from that species in the narrower lvs. and more spicate raceme. It has also been referred to S. porophylla, Bertol., as a synonym: the latter is said to have lingulate basal lys. with obtuse apex, and flesh-colored petals. The distinctions between S. Friderici-Augusti and S. porophylla seem to be very unsatisfactory. Much of the material cultivated as S. Frederici-Augusti is really S. apiculata. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Saxifraga friderici-augusti. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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