Habit | herbaceous
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Lifespan: | ⌛ | perennial, annual |
Features: | ✓ | flowers |
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Streptocarpus is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, closely related to the genus Saintpaulia. One common name is Cape Primrose, referring to the nativity of several species to South Africa and their superficial resemblance to the genus Primula. The genus is native to parts of Africa and Madagascar (with a few odd species in Asia that probably do not belong in the genus). The plants often grow on shaded rocky hillsides or cliffs. About 155 species of Streptocarpus are currently recognized, the first described being S. rexii. They are found growing on the ground, rock crevices, and almost anywhere the seed can germinate and grow. Some species such as S. dunnii are unifoliate with the plant producing no true leaves, only a single cotyledon that continues to grow throughout the life of the plant. The unifoliate species are monocarpic and die after producing seeds. Other species are perennial and come into flower during different parts of the year. Members of subgenus Streptocarpella are more typical caulescent herbs and are sometimes grown as bedding or hanging plants. The genus is defined by having a spirally twisted fruit (hence the name "streptocarpus"), although this character is also found in some other Old World genera of Gesneriaceae. Recent phylogenetic studies strongly suggest that although it does not have a twisted fruit the genus Saintpaulia has evolved from within subgenus Streptocarpella.
The leaves of some perennial (and particularly unifoliate) Streptocarpus are unusual because as winter approaches they slowly die back to an abscission line midway down the leaf. The tip of the leaf will gradually die back to this line. In most flowering plants an absiscion line forms at the base of the leaf.
A complete list of the species and their synonyms can be found at the Smithsonian Institution's World Checklist of Gesneriaceae.
The name Streptocarpus means twisted fruit.
A large number of hybrids and cultivars have been produced; S. rexii entered into many of the early hybrids but more recent cultivars often involve many different species. Recent cultivars have been bred to remain in bloom throughout the year. Over the past few years work has been done through hybridizing to bring other traits such as red flowers into modern hybrids. There are thousands of cultivars that are now grown as both houseplants and in the garden. The colors of the flowers range anywhere from red, white, yellow, blue, and everything in between including nearly black, except for a deep orange. Many flowers have markings in the "throat". More recently, breeders have been working to introduce floral fragrance to new hybrids from the relatively few species that have this trait.
ExpandRead about Streptocarpus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Streptocarpus require bright indirect light and can be grown near a window or under fluorescent lighting. Streptocarpus are propagated by seeds, divisions, and leaf cuttings. The tiny seeds are dust-like and should be sown on the surface of the growing medium; they require light to germinate. The leaves can be cut into sections or down the middle to remove the central vein and then planted horizontally in light potting soil containing vermiculite and perlite. Members of subgenus Streptocarpella are easily propagated from stem cuttings.
Streptocarpus flowers are born on short and long peduncles (flower stems) that attach to the leaf stem. Several peduncles may be produced per leaf. New flowers come with new leaf growth.
Rosulate Streptocarpus form small clumps. As the plant grows it produces creeping stems that produce roots and will eventually separate to form other colonies. These creeping stems are called rhizomes.
Pests and diseases
- Selected species
- Streptocarpus baudertii
- Streptocarpus candidus
- Streptocarpus caulescens
- Streptocarpus cyaneus
- Streptocarpus dunnii
- Streptocarpus formosus
- Streptocarpus glandulosissimus
- Streptocarpus grandis
- Streptocarpus Hybrid Cultivars
- Streptocarpus johannis
- Streptocarpus kirkii
- Streptocarpus pentherianus
- Streptocarpus polyanthus
- Streptocarpus primulifolius
- Streptocarpus rexii
- Streptocarpus saxorum
- Streptocarpus wendlandii
The following species are either little known or have not found their way into general cult.: CH
- S. armitagei, Baker & Moore, is closely allied to S. Dunnii, differing in having a corolla much less funnel-shaped and straighter, with less spreading lobes; originally described as solitary-lvd., but 4 lvs. are said to have developed in the cult. plant. S. Afr.CH
- S. banksii, Lynch (S. Wendlandii x some hybrid), has 2 lvs. about 19x13 in. for the lower, the second somewhat smaller: fls. large, purple-blue. Garden hybrid.CH
- S. biflorus, Pucci, is a name appearing in horticultural journals for some unknown plant, which is said to have several blue fls.CH
- S. bifloro-polyanthus, Duch., is a hybrid, the female parent of which is S. polyanthus, the male the above-mentioned S. biflorus: it is said to have 5 ovate-oblong, crenate, rugose lvs.; several scapes with 2-4 pale lilac fls. F.S. 23:2429.CH
- S. blythinii, Lynch (S. Wendlandii X S. cyaneus), has 2-5 lvs., the largest of which is 15x9 in. and another is 12 x 7 in., green beneath, in some cases reddish toward the tip, in others with the color here and there: scapes 9-10, each with 5-14 fls., about 14 in. high: fls. about 1 1/2 in. across, lavender or bluish purple; petals marked with dark purple stripes. Garden hybrid. CH
- S. cantabrigiensis, Lynch (S. cyaneus X S. Dunnii), has several lvs. which are 7-8 x 3 in.: scapes about 7 in. high, 2-12-fld., conspicuously hairy: calyx-segms. linear-lanceolate; corolla 2 in. long, about 1 3/8 in. across, tube funnel-shaped, lobes rounded, throat white with 7 deeply colored lines, limb deep rose. Garden hybrid. G.C. III.59:131.CH
- S. Gaudinii, Hort., is offered in the trade.—S. Greenii, Hort. ex Wilson (S. Saundersii x S. Rexii), is dwarfer and more compact than the former parent, the scapes many-fld: fls. pale lilac-blue. Garden hybrid. G.C. II. 17:303. Said to be the first hybrid streptocarpus.CH
- S. holstii, Engl., resembles S. caulescent; plant about 1 1/2 ft. high, producing a large number of sts., each bearing 6-8 dark violet-blue fls. 3/4-1 in. long, spotted with white on the midlobe of the lower lip. German E. Afr. (Section I.) B.M. 8150.CH
- S. hybridus. Hort., is a name applied to garden hybrids in general.—S. Kirkii, Hook. f. Caulescent; st. 4-6 in. high, stout, erect, hairy: lvs. 1-2 in. long, broadly ovate, obtuse, crenate, finely pubescent on both surfaces, base rounded or cordate; petiole 1/3-1/2 in. long: scapes axillary, very slender, 3-4 in. high: fls. drooping, opposite; calyx-lobes lanceolate, pubescent; corolla 3/4 in. long, pale lilac, tube hairy, upcurved, broad and subcampanulate, mouth expanded, lobes short rounded, ciliate, Trop. E. Afr. B.M. 6782. (Section I.) Allied to S. caulescens.CH
- S. lichtensteinensis, Hort. (S. Wendlandii X S. Watsonii), has 2 lvs., 1 prostrate and the other smaller and erect: fls. numerous, lilac-blue. Garden hybrid.CH
- S. mahonii, Hook. f. Acaulescent: lf. solitary, 1 ft. or more long, flat on the ground, sessile, ovate-oblong, crenulate, tip rounded, base cordate: scapes many, crowded, densely pilose: fls. long-pedicelled; calyx-segms. pubescent, linear, corolla violet, tube 2/3 in. long, pubescent, decurved, somewhat inflated above; lobes rotundate. Brit. Cent. Afr. B.M. 7857.CH
- S. multiflora, Laing., is a seedling of S. Rexii, with up to 30 large bluish purple fls., which have darker purple lines in the throat and running up onto the lower lip. Garden hybrid. G.C. III. 18:211; 32:327. I.H. 43. p. 67.CH
- S. orientalis, Craib. Caulescent; st. solitary, erect, simple, 6-16 in. high, leafy: lvs. ovate to elliptic-ovate, apex obtuse, base cuneate, crenate or crenate-serrate, 1 – 3 1/2 x 3/4 – 2 3/4 in., both surfaces glandular-pilose; petioles up to 2 in. long: infl. axillary, cymose: calyx-lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, white-glandular-hairy outside; corolla purple outside, paler within, tube over 1 in. long, limb about 3/4 in. across, lobes reflexed-spreading, wide oblong, tip rounded. Siam. CH
- S. veitchii, Hort, is offered in the trade.CH
External links
- w:Streptocarpus. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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