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Symhyandra hofmannii0.jpg

Plant Characteristics
Lifespan: perennial
Scientific Names

Campanulaceae >

Symphyandra >

A.DC. >

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Symphyandra is a genus of 10-12 species of flowering plants in the family Campanulaceae, mainly native to the eastern part of the Mediterranean region in Asia Minor, the Balkans, and Crete, but with one species in eastern Asia in Korea. The genus is closely related to Campanula, but has connate anthers (fused or joined in the same whorl), while Campanula species have separated anthers. They are mostly biennial (monocarpic) to short lived perennials. They have fleshy roots, with the leaves in a basal rosette, and alternately up the flowering stems. The basal leaves are commonly heart-shaped with toothed margins and covered with short hairs and have long petioles. The flowers are produced in racemes, corymbs or panicles, flowering throughout the summer; they are nodding, tubular bell shaped, coloured white or blue.

Read about Symphyandra in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Symphyandra (Greek, anthers grown together). Campanulaceae. Perennial herbs with a thick caudex, most of them hardy.

Leaves broad, usually cordate, dentate, the radical ones long-petioled, the cauline alternate, few or small: fls. usually nodding, rather large, racemose or laxly panicled, white, yellowish or bluish(?); calyx-tube adnate, hemispherical or turbinate, limb deeply 5-lobed or -parted; corolla campanulate, 5-lobed; ovary inferior, 3-celled.—About 8 species from the Caucasus and Asia Minor and one reported from Korea. Its special botanical interest lies in the fact that the anthers are grown together into a tube, which character tends to annul the distinction between the Campanula and Lobelia families. Otherwise the genus is much like Campanula, and used for similar purposes.

S. pendula, Bieb. Perennial, pilose; sts. fleshy, 6-12 in. high: lvs. crenate-dentate, lower ovate, cordate, long-petioled; intermediate lvs. oblong, acute, cuneate, short-petioled: fls. simply racemose, yellowish white; calyx canescent-tomentose, appendages acuminate; corolla campanulate, whitish-tomentellous. Caucasus.—S. Wanneri, Heuff. Perennial, hispidulous: sts. 1-3, ascending, 6 in. or more high: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, acutely serrate or somewhat laciniate; radical long-attenuate to the petiole; cauline attenuate to the base, sessile: infl. thyrsoidly branched, branches 1-3-fld.: fls. blue-violet, large, nodding; calyx-tube hemispherical, segms. broadly and elongated-lanceolate, not appendaged; corolla long-campanulate. S. E. Eu. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



Pests and diseases



(some of these names are synonyms or homonyms)



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