ExpandRead about Vriesia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Vriesia (named for Dr. W. de Vriese, of Amsterdam). Bromeliaceae. Often spelled Vriesea, but not so spelled by Lindley, who founded the genus. Tropical American stiff-leaved plants, with mostly distichous spikes bearing large and showy bracts. According to Mez (DC. Monogr. Phaner. 9), 84 species are to be referred to this genus. They are very like tillandsias, with which they are united by Bentham & Hooker and others. The chief technical difference is the presence in Vriesia of 2 ligules or a single cleft or emarginate ligule on the inside of the base of petals. Culturally, vriesias are like tillandsias. They run to forms with marbled and banded lvs. Several species have been intro. in recent years, and many garden hybrids have been produced. Few kinds are offered in the American trade, and only these kinds are described here. For other kinds, see the monographs of Baker and Mez; also the accounts from time to time in horticultural publications. For cult., see Tillandsia.
V. Blokii, Hort. (Tillandsia Blokii, Hort.). Infl. crimson, pinnately paniculate, 4-5 ft. tall; floral bracts ovate: fls. in 2 rows, 4 in. long; petals yellow, linear, about 4 in. long. S. Amer. B.M. 8192. G.C. III. 45:358.—V. fulgida, Hort., has been catalogued in this country. It is a garden hybrid (V. incurvata X V. Duvalii). It has short green lvs. and an exserted simple spike with distichous bright red imbricated bracts. I.H. 35:67.—V. glaucophylla, Hook., is Tillandsia fasciculata.— V. Leopoldiana – V. splendens X V. Malzinei. Gt. 54:1539.— V. musaica - Guzmannia.— V. regina, Ant. Lvs. very long-acute: infl. large; bracts elliptic-ovate, rounded at apex: fls. dirty yellow. Brazil—V. Rex. Hybrid. R.H. 1907:570. —V. zebrina, Hort., is sometimes V. splendens and sometimes Cryptanthus zonatus.
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