Aquilegia caerulea, James (A. leptocèras, Nutt. A. macrantha, Hook & Arn.). St. 1-1½ ft,, finely pubescent above, bearing several fls.: lower st.-lvs. large and biternate; basal-lvs. with long 3-branched petioles; If ta. 3-lobed on secondary stalks: fls. 2 in. across, whitish, but variously tinted with light blue and yellow; sepals often blue, oblong, obtuse, twice as long as the petal-limb; spurs long, slender, knobbed at the end, rather straight, but curving outward; head of stamens equaling the petals: follicles pubescent, 1 in. long; style ⅓ in. Apr.— July. Lower mt. regions, Mont, to New Mex. B.M. 4407; 5477. Gn. 16:264. Mn. 6:61. V. 2:33 f. 4. F.S. 5:531. F.R. 10:165. Gn. 59, p. 147. G. 28:241. Var. alba, Hort. Fls. of same size but entirely white. Intro. 1883. Var. hybrida, Hort. Sepals some shade of blue or pink, or mixed, and petals nearly white or yellow, also called var. lútea, Hort. The true form of this is probably A. caerulea x A. chrysantha. Gn. 51, p. 385. R.H. 1896: 108. A.G. 15: 315. I.H. 43:61. Var. Helenae, Hort., is very probably a form of this hybrid; very robust, fls. numerous, blue and pure white. G.W. 6:212. Var. flôre-plèno, Hort. Fls. longer and very showy, more or less doubled toward the center.
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