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ExpandRead about Aquilegia sibirica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Aquilegia sibirica, Lam. (A. bicolor, Ehrh. A. Garnieriàna, Sweet. A. speciosa, DC.). St. 1½-2 ft. high, many- fld.; often nearly glabrous throughout: partial-petioles of root-lvs. 1-2 in., sometimes showing 3 distinct branches; terminal lfts. 1 in. or more broad, lobes rather shallow and rounded; lower st.-lvs. petioled and biternate: fls. pale or bright lilac-blue; oblong sepals fully 1 in. long, spreading or reflexed a little; petal-limb half as long, equaling the head of stamens, and often white; spur rather stout, ½ in. or more, very much incurved, or even coiled: follicles glabrous, 1 in. long, style ⅓ in. Summer. E. Siberia. S.B.F.G. II. 1:90. Var. flôre-plêno, Hort. (A. bicolor var. flore-pléno, Hort.). Fls. much doubled by the multiplication of both the limbs and the spurs.
Var. spectábilis, Baker (A. spectabilis, Lern.). A large, bright lilac-fld. var.; petal-limbs tipped yellow. Amurland. I.H. 11:403.
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