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Read about Lily in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lily, in the narrowest sense, is restricted to the genus Lilium, but the popular names given below also include plants outside the family Liliaceae. Many of them belong to the Amaryllis family. African Blue L., Agapanthus umbellatus. African Corn L., Ixia. Amazon L., Eucharis grandiflora. American Turk's-Cap L., Lilium superbum. Atamasco L., Zephyranthes Atamasco. Barbados L., Hippeastrum eguestre. Belladonna L., Amaryllis belladonna. Bengal L., Crinum. Bermuda L., Lilium harrisii. Black L., Fritillaria camtshatcensis. Blackberry L., Belamcanda chinensis. Bourbon L., Lilium candidum. Brisbane L., Eurycles sylvestris. Calla L., Zantedeschia aethiopica. Cape L., Crinum longifolium. Checkered L., Fritillaria meleagris. Climbing L., Gloriosa and Littonia. Common White L., Lilium candidum. Day L., the blue and white ones are Hostas; the yellow and orange ones Hemerocallis. Easter L., Lilium harrisii. Fairy L., Zephyranthes rosea. Fayal L., Ornithogalum arabicum. Golden banded L., Lilium auratum. Golden-rayed L., Lilium auratum. Guernsey L., Nerine sarniensis. Jacobean L., Sprekelia formosissima. Kaffir L., Schizostylis coccinea. Mariposa L., Calochortus. Martagon L., Lilium martagon. Orange L., Lilium croceum. Peruvian Swamp L., Zephyranthes candida. Plantain L., Hosta. Pond L., Nuphar advena. Sacred L. of China, Narcissus tazetta var. orientalis. Spider L., St. Bernard's L., Anthericum liliago. St. Bruno's L. Paradisea liliastrum. St. James' L., Sprekelia formosissima. St. Joseph's L., Lilium candidum. Swamp L., Lilium superbum. Sword L., Gladiolus in general. Tiger L., Lilium tigrinum. Turban L., Lilium pomponium. Turk's-Cap L., Lilium martagon. Valley, L. of, Lily-of-the-valley. Water L., Nymphaea. White L., Lilium candidum.

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