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| name = ''Aquilegia''
| image = Yellow columbine close.jpg
| image_width = 250px
| image_caption = ''Aquilegia flavescens''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
|Min ht box=6
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
|Min ht metric=in
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
|Max ht box=30
| ordo = [[Ranunculales]]
|Max ht metric=in
| familia = [[Ranunculaceae]]
|height_ref=Complete Landscaping - ISBN 9780376009272
| genus = '''''Aquilegia'''''
|poisonous=yes, see text
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
|life_ref=Complete Landscaping - ISBN 9780376009272
| subdivision =  
|exposure=sun, part-sun
See text
|sun_ref=Complete Landscaping - ISBN 9780376009272
|water_ref=Complete Landscaping - ISBN 9780376009272
|features=flowers, naturalizes, foliage
|flower_season=mid spring
|flowers=red, yellow, blue, purple, multicolored, pink, white, single, double
|Temp Metric=°F
|usda_ref=Complete Landscaping - ISBN 9780376009272
|image_caption=Columbine cultivar 'Magpie'
'''''Colombine''''' <ref>''Sunset Western Garden Book,'' 1995:606–607</ref> is a [[genus]] of about 60-70 [[species]] of '''columbines''', [[herbaceous]] [[perennial plant]]s that are found in [[meadow]]s, [[woodland]]s, and at higher altitudes throughout the [[Northern Hemisphere]]. They are known for their distinctive [[flower]]s, generally bell-shaped, with each [[petal]] modified into an elongated [[nectar]] [[spur (biology)|spur]]. Its [[fruit]] takes the form of a [[Follicle (fruit)|follicle]].<ref>Dezhi & Robinson (2001)</ref> ''Columbine'' is derived from the Latin word for Dove.
'''''Aquilegia''''' ('''columbine''') is a [[genus]] of about 60-70 species of [[herbaceous]] [[perennial plant]]s that are found in [[meadow]]s, [[woodland]]s, and at higher altitudes throughout the [[Northern Hemisphere]]. They are known for their distinctive flowers, generally bell-shaped, with each petal modified into an elongated nectar spur. Its [[fruit]] takes the form of a [[Follicle (fruit)|follicle]].
Aquilegia (from aquilegus, water-drawer, not from aquila, eagle). Ranunculaceae. Columbine. Hardy perennial herbs of the northern hemisphere; grown for their profusion of showy flowers in early summer, and the delicate foliage later on in the year.
Several species are grown in [[gardens]], including ''[[Aquilegia vulgaris]]'' (European Columbine), a traditional garden flower in many parts of the world<ref>[http://books.google.ie/books?id=gLNhKoTgNEsC&pg=RA1-PA128&lpg=RA1-PA128&dq=%22aquilegia+vulgaris%22+gardens&source=web&ots=LMrrb0araw&sig=0a3Vg8JREKxxnhYJAshyQjyx2TQ&hl=en#PRA1-PA126,M1]  Columbines by Robert Noles</ref>. Numerous hybrids have also been developed as well.  They are easy to propagate from seed.
Mostly with paniculate branches, terminated by showy fls., and 1-3 ternately-compound Lvs., commonly glaucous: the lfts. roundish and obtusely lobed: fls. large, showy, usually in spring or early summer; sepals 5, regular, petaloid; petals concave, produced backward between the sepals, forming a hollow spur; stamens numerous: fr. of about 5 many-seeded follicles.
They are used as food plants by some [[Lepidoptera]] species including [[Cabbage Moth]], [[Dot Moth]], [[Engrailed|The Engrailed]] and [[Mouse Moth]].
The columbines are among the most beautiful and popular of all hardy plants. The tall and strong-growing species can be used to advantage in half-shady positions. The attractive forms and rich variations in hue of aquilegias come out well when associated with hemerocallis, Siberian irises, thalictrums, polygonatums, Spiraea Filipendula and wild ferns. In the North, a similar effect is produced by grouping columbines together with white and blue Lupinus polyphyllus, Campanula persicifolia, Iris germanica and I. pattida var. dalmatica, Iceland poppies and trollius. For rockeries, the low-growing early alpine species, such as A. alpina, A. Stuartii and A.flabellata are well adapted. Throughout the middle and northern states, columbines need winter protection, dry leaves being preferable for covering.
== Use and toxicity==
Seeds sown in pans, in coldframes in March, or open air in April, occasionally bloom the first season, but generally the second. The different species should be some distance apart, if possible, if pure seed is desired, as the most diverse species hybridize directly. They may be propagated by division of the roots in late fall, winter or early spring, but the better way is by seeds. Absolutely pure seed is hard to obtain except from the plants in the wild state; and some of the mixed forms are quite inferior to the true species from which they have come. A. caerulea, A. glandulosa, and A. vulgaris are likely to flower only two or three years, and should be treated as biennials; but A. vulgaris may be kept active for a longer period by transplanting.
The flowers of various species of ''Aquilegia'' were consumed in moderation by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to be very sweet, and safe if consumed in small quantities.   The plants seeds and roots are highly poisonous, and contain cardiogenic toxins which  cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed as food.   Native Americans used very small amounts of ''Aquilegia'' root as an effective treatment for ulcers, however, the use of this plant internally is best avoided due to its high toxicity.
''Aquilegia'' species are closely related to plants in the genus [[Actaea]] ''(Baneberry)'', which also produce cadiogenic toxins, and [[Aconitum]], a highly toxic plant genus which contains ''wolfbane'' and several varieties of ''monkshood''. <ref>Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West, Gregory L. Tilford, ISBN 0-87842-359-1</ref>
A light sandy soil, moist, with good drainage, sheltered, but exposed to sun, is what aquilegias prefer. Some of the stronger species, when of nearly full flowering size, may be transplanted into heavier garden soil, even heavy clay, and made to succeed; but for the rearing of young seedlings, a light, sandy loam is essential. The seed of most columbines is rather slow in germinating, and it is necessary to keep the soil moist on top of the ground until the young plants are up. A coldframe, with medium heavy cotton covering, is a good place to grow the plants. The cotton retains sufficient moisture to keep the soil moist on top, and still admits sufficient circulation of air to prevent damping-off of the young seedlings. When large enough, the seedlings may be pricked out into another frame for a time, or, by shading for a few days until they get a start, they may be set into the permanent border, or wherever they are to be placed.
[[Image:Columbine_flower.JPG|thumb|right|[[Aquilegia caerulea|''A. caerulea'']]]]
A. baikalensis, Hort. Fls. large, violet-blue, spurs long.—A. hay- lodg'nsis, Hort., and its var. delicatissima, Hort., are much like A. chrysantha, and resemble it in habit and color of fls. but the spurs are not so long.
[[Image:Aquilegia_formosa_14962.JPG|thumb|right|[[Aquilegia formosa|''A. formosa'']]]]
[[Image:Aquilegia 'Blue Butterflies' Flower 2671px.jpg|thumb|right|''Aquilegia'' hybrid cultivar 'Blue Butterflies']]
[[Image:Wald-Akelei.JPG|thumb|right|[[Aquilegia vulgaris|''A. vulgaris'']]]]
The flowers of various species of ''Aquilegia'' were consumed in moderation by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to be very sweet, and safe if consumed in small quantities.  The plants seeds and roots are highly poisonous, and contain cardiogenic toxins which  cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed as food.
| color = IndianRed
| name = Aquilegia
| jan =
| feb =
| mar = sow
| apr = transplant
| may = flowering
| jun = flowering
| jul =
| aug =
| sep = divide
| oct = sow
| nov =
| dec =
| notes =
Large numbers of hybrids are now available for the garden, since the British A vulgaris was joined by other European and N American varieties.
<ref>[http://books.google.ca/books?id=taGxynmhi54C Andrew McIndoe, Kevin Hobbs: Perennials. David & Charles, 2005 ISBN 1558707646, 9781558707641]</ref> Aquilegia species are very interfertile, and will self sow. <ref>[http://books.google.ca/books?id=aLlt53wiYr8C New England Wild Flower Society Guide to Growing and Propagating Wildflowers of the United States and Canada]</ref>
===Pests and diseases===
Selected species:
Columbine species include:<ref>Dezhi & Robinson (2001), RBGE [2008], USDA [2008]</ref>
[[Image:Aquilegia alpina1JUSA.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Aquilegia alpina]]'']]
[[Image:Schwarzviolette Akelei (Aquilegia atrata) 02.jpg|thumb|right|[[Dark Columbine]], ''[[Aquilegia atrata]]'']]
[[Image:Aquilegia flabellata1.jpg|thumb|right|[[Fan Columbine]], ''[[Aquilegia flabellata]]'']]
[[Image:Aquilegia fragrans 2.jpg|thumb|right|[[Fragrant Columbine]], ''[[Aquilegia fragrans]]'']]
[[Image:Aquilegia x maruyamana1.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Aquilegia × maruyamana]]'']]
[[Image:Aquilegia pyrenaica1JUSA.jpg|thumb|right|[[Pyrenean Columbine]], ''[[Aquilegia pyrenaica]]'']]
* ''[[Aquilegia alpina]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia atrata]]'' <small>W.D.J.Koch</small> – [[Dark Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia atrovinosa]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia aurea]]'' <small>Janka</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia barbaricina]]'' – [[Barbaricina Colombine]] (doubtfully valid)
* ''[[Aquilegia barnebyi]]'' – [[Oil Shale Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia bernardii]]'' <small>Gren. & Godr.</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia bertolonii]]'' <small>Schott</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia blecicii]]'' <small>Podobnik</small> (doubtfully valid)
* ''[[Aquilegia brevistyla]]'' – [[Smallflower Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia buergeriana]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia caerulea]]'' – [[Colorado Blue Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia canadensis]]'' – [[Canadian Columbine]], Wild Columbine, "[[red columbine]]"
* ''[[Aquilegia champagnatii]]'' <small>Moraldo, E.Nardi & la Valva</small> (doubtfully valid)
* ''[[Aquilegia chrysantha]]'' – [[Golden Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia desertorum]]'' – [[Desert Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia desolatica]]'' – [[Desolation Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia dinarica]]'' <small>Beck</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia ecalcarata]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia einseleana]]'' <small>F.W.Schultz</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia elegantula]]'' – [[Western Red Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia eximia]]'' – [[Van Houtte's Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia flabellata]]'' – [[Fan Columbine]], ''wodamakinari'' ([[Japanese (language)|Japanese]]) (including ''A. akitensis'')
* ''[[Aquilegia flavescens]]'' – [[Yellow Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia fragrans]]'' <small>Benth.</small> – [[Fragrant Columbine]]<!-- CurtisBotMag20:147. -->
* ''[[Aquilegia formosa]]'' – [[Crimson Columbine]], Western Columbine, "[[red columbine]]"
* ''[[Aquilegia glandulosa]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia grahamii]]'' – [[Graham's Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia grata]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia × hybrida]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia incurvata]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia japonica]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia jonesii]]'' – [[Jones' Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia karatavica]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia karelini]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia kitaibelii]]'' <small>Schott</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia lactiflora]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia laramiensis]]'' – [[Laramie Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia litardierei]]'' <small>Briq.</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia longissima]]'' – [[Longspur Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia loriae]]'' – [[Lori's Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia magellensis]]'' <small>F.Conti & Soldano</small> – [[Magella Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia × maruyamana]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia micrantha]]'' – [[Mancos Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia moorcroftiana]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia nigricans]]'' <small>Baumg.</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia nugorensis]]'' <small>Arrigoni & E.Nardi</small> (doubtfully valid)
* ''[[Aquilegia nuragica]]'' – [[Nuragica Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia olympica]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia ottonis]]'' <small>Orph. ex Boiss.</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia oxysepala]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia pancicii]]'' <small>Degen</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia parviflora]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia pubescens]]'' – [[Sierra Columbine]], Coville's Columbine, sometimes misnomed "[[Yellow Columbine]]"
* ''[[Aquilegia pubiflora]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia pyrenaica]]'' <small>DC.</small> – [[Pyrenean Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia rockii]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia saximontana]]'' – [[Rocky Mountain Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia scopulorum]]'' – [[Blue Columbine]], [[Utah Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia shockleyi]]'' – [[Desert Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia sibirica]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia thalictrifolia]]'' <small>Schott & Kotschy</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia transsilvanica]]'' <small>Schur</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia triternata]]'' – [[Chiricahua Mountain Columbine]]
* ''[[Aquilegia turczaninovii]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia viridiflora]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia viscosa]]'' <small>Gouan</small>
* ''[[Aquilegia vitalii]]''
* ''[[Aquilegia vulgaris]]'' – [[Common Columbine]], European Columbine, Granny's Nightcap
* ''[[Aquilegia yabeana]]''
<gallery perrow=5>
Image:Columbine_flower.JPG|[[Aquilegia caerulea|''A. caerulea'']]
Image:Aquilegia_formosa_14962.JPG|[[Aquilegia formosa|''A. formosa'']]
Image:Aquilegia 'Blue Butterflies' Flower 2671px.jpg|''Aquilegia'' hybrid cultivar 'Blue Butterflies'
Image:Wald-Akelei.JPG|[[Aquilegia vulgaris
File:Doubled flower of Aquilegia x hybrida 001.JPG|Double-flowered Aquilegia × hybrida
== Selected species ==
*''[[Aquilegia alpina]]''
*''[[Aquilegia atrata]]'' – Dark Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia atrovinosa]]''
*''[[Aquilegia aurea]]''
*''[[Aquilegia barbaricina]]''
*''[[Aquilegia barnebyi]]'' – Oil Shale Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia bernardii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia bertolonii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia blecicii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia brevistyla]]'' – Smallflower Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia buergeriana]]''
*''[[Aquilegia caerulea]]'' – Colorado Blue Columbine, the official [[Colorado]] [[state flower]]
*''[[Aquilegia canadensis]]'' – Canadian Columbine, Red Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia champagnatii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia chrysantha]]'' – Golden Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia desertorum]]'' – Desert Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia desolatica]]'' – Desolation Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia dinarica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia ecalcarata]]''
*''[[Aquilegia einseleana]]''
*''[[Aquilegia elegantula]]'' – Western Red Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia eximia]]'' – Van Houtte's Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia flabellata]]''
*''[[Aquilegia flavescens]]'' – Yellow Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia formosa]]'' – Crimson Columbine, Western Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia glandulosa]]''
*''[[Aquilegia grahamii]]'' – Graham's Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia grata]]''
*''[[Aquilegia incurvata]]''
*''[[Aquilegia japonica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia jonesii]]'' – Jones's Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia karatavica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia karelini]]''
*''[[Aquilegia kitaibelii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia lactiflora]]''
*''[[Aquilegia laramiensis]]'' – Laramie Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia litardierei]]''
*''[[Aquilegia longissima]]'' – Longspur Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia loriae]]''
*''[[Aquilegia micrantha]]'' – Mancos Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia moorcroftiana]]''
*''[[Aquilegia nigricans]]''
*''[[Aquilegia nugorensis]]''
*''[[Aquilegia nuragica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia olympica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia ottonis]]''
*''[[Aquilegia oxysepala]]''
*''[[Aquilegia pancicii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia parviflora]]''
*''[[Aquilegia pubescens]]'' – Sierra Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia pubiflora]]''
*''[[Aquilegia pyrenaica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia rockii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia thalictrifolia]]''
*''[[Aquilegia saximontana]]'' – Rocky Mountain Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia schockleyi]]''
*''[[Aquilegia scopulorum]]'' – Blue Columbine, Utah Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia sibirica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia transsilvanica]]''
*''[[Aquilegia triternata]]'' – Chiricahua Mountain Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia turczaninovii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia viridiflora]]''
*''[[Aquilegia viscosa]]''
*''[[Aquilegia vitalii]]''
*''[[Aquilegia vulgaris]]'' – Common Columbine, European Columbine
*''[[Aquilegia yabeana]]''
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
*[http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin/nph-readbtree.pl/feout?FAMILY_XREF=&GENUS_XREF=Aquilegia&SPECIES_XREF=&TAXON_NAME_XREF=&RANK=species Flora Europaea: ''Aquilegia'']
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
*[http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=AQUIL USDA PLant Profile: ''Aquilegia'']
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
*[http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=102388 Flora of China: ''Aquilegia''] (see also links to related floras therein)
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
==External links==

Latest revision as of 15:46, 7 May 2011

Columbine cultivar 'Magpie'

Plant Characteristics
Habit   herbaceous

Height: 6 in"in" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. to 30 in"in" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 30.
Lifespan: perennial
Poisonous: yes, see text
Bloom: mid spring
Exposure: sun, part-sun
Water: moderate
Features: flowers, naturalizes, foliage
USDA Zones: 3 to 9.5
Flower features: red, yellow, blue, purple, multicolored, pink, white, single, double
Scientific Names

Ranunculaceae >

Aquilegia >

Colombine [1] is a genus of about 60-70 species of columbines, herbaceous perennial plants that are found in meadows, woodlands, and at higher altitudes throughout the Northern Hemisphere. They are known for their distinctive flowers, generally bell-shaped, with each petal modified into an elongated nectar spur. Its fruit takes the form of a follicle.[2] Columbine is derived from the Latin word for Dove.

Read about Aquilegia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Aquilegia (from aquilegus, water-drawer, not from aquila, eagle). Ranunculaceae. Columbine. Hardy perennial herbs of the northern hemisphere; grown for their profusion of showy flowers in early summer, and the delicate foliage later on in the year.

Mostly with paniculate branches, terminated by showy fls., and 1-3 ternately-compound Lvs., commonly glaucous: the lfts. roundish and obtusely lobed: fls. large, showy, usually in spring or early summer; sepals 5, regular, petaloid; petals concave, produced backward between the sepals, forming a hollow spur; stamens numerous: fr. of about 5 many-seeded follicles.

The columbines are among the most beautiful and popular of all hardy plants. The tall and strong-growing species can be used to advantage in half-shady positions. The attractive forms and rich variations in hue of aquilegias come out well when associated with hemerocallis, Siberian irises, thalictrums, polygonatums, Spiraea Filipendula and wild ferns. In the North, a similar effect is produced by grouping columbines together with white and blue Lupinus polyphyllus, Campanula persicifolia, Iris germanica and I. pattida var. dalmatica, Iceland poppies and trollius. For rockeries, the low-growing early alpine species, such as A. alpina, A. Stuartii and A.flabellata are well adapted. Throughout the middle and northern states, columbines need winter protection, dry leaves being preferable for covering.

Seeds sown in pans, in coldframes in March, or open air in April, occasionally bloom the first season, but generally the second. The different species should be some distance apart, if possible, if pure seed is desired, as the most diverse species hybridize directly. They may be propagated by division of the roots in late fall, winter or early spring, but the better way is by seeds. Absolutely pure seed is hard to obtain except from the plants in the wild state; and some of the mixed forms are quite inferior to the true species from which they have come. A. caerulea, A. glandulosa, and A. vulgaris are likely to flower only two or three years, and should be treated as biennials; but A. vulgaris may be kept active for a longer period by transplanting.

A light sandy soil, moist, with good drainage, sheltered, but exposed to sun, is what aquilegias prefer. Some of the stronger species, when of nearly full flowering size, may be transplanted into heavier garden soil, even heavy clay, and made to succeed; but for the rearing of young seedlings, a light, sandy loam is essential. The seed of most columbines is rather slow in germinating, and it is necessary to keep the soil moist on top of the ground until the young plants are up. A coldframe, with medium heavy cotton covering, is a good place to grow the plants. The cotton retains sufficient moisture to keep the soil moist on top, and still admits sufficient circulation of air to prevent damping-off of the young seedlings. When large enough, the seedlings may be pricked out into another frame for a time, or, by shading for a few days until they get a start, they may be set into the permanent border, or wherever they are to be placed.

A. baikalensis, Hort. Fls. large, violet-blue, spurs long.—A. hay- lodg'nsis, Hort., and its var. delicatissima, Hort., are much like A. chrysantha, and resemble it in habit and color of fls. but the spurs are not so long.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

The flowers of various species of Aquilegia were consumed in moderation by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to be very sweet, and safe if consumed in small quantities. The plants seeds and roots are highly poisonous, and contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed as food.


Aquilegia calendar?
March: sow
April: transplant
May: flowering
June: flowering
September: divide
October: sow

Large numbers of hybrids are now available for the garden, since the British A vulgaris was joined by other European and N American varieties. [3] Aquilegia species are very interfertile, and will self sow. [4]


Pests and diseases


Selected species: Columbine species include:[5]



External links